Himouto! Umaru-chan

I just had to drop this shit at the 2nd episode. It's just Umaru bitching to his brother. Does it get better or did I make the right call?

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>making it past the 1st episode
Commended Performance, user

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>he didn't get it


>Does it get better
Yes, but probably not as much as you're hoping for.

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I don't mind spoilers, what happens that makes it slightly better?

il filo...

Umaru drops some level of brattiness, and it becomes a more comfy sibling SoL comedy then it goes to shit by becoming a generic CGDCT as Umaru gains friends.

Umaru learns the power of friendship

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You hate her because you hate yourself.


TSF and Ebina

It seems you have a very low IQ

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Why are wops so obsessed with Umaru?

Kirie cries while alone with Umaru, a very touching moment

sorta wished that at some point that she would act fucking normal w her brother but that never happened

still got sucked in for 2 seasons though

Sounds like it gets better but not enough to be worth watching it

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Oh yeah, and Best Girl joins the party

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how do you get filtered by doga kobo comfykino?
its 12 episodes just watch it

You really only watch it for Ebina and the brother

Because OP can't tell the difference between annoying characters in a good show and a bad show

She meets better people and she becomes less awful and annoying. Also TSF a best desu wa.

>You really only watch it for the worst characters

U M R!
U M R!
U M R!

T S F!
T S F!
T S F!

Umaru is the pinaicle of Japanese animation. If you can't appreciate it then your IQ just isn't high enough

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