I think MAL is fine if you only use it to track the anime and manga you've watched/read...

I think MAL is fine if you only use it to track the anime and manga you've watched/read, and don't engage in the forum activity.

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Post your MAL


Now rate me white boys

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It's fine if you don't post about it. Stop posting about it.

I will post what I want

That's what i do

No it's not. Their API is still a broken mess. Anilist is superior in every way.

If you just want that, then AnList and AniDB are superior. Anilist in features and UI, DB in listing animators and more detail in general.

What's the point when you have txt documents?

I think I can hit dubs with those boobs

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And you'll get called a faggot for it.

I see, I'll try Anilist. However, I don't see the point in getting mad over the site someone else uses to track their anime.

I don't understand the hate on mal actually

I'll stand my ground no matter how many times you call me a faggot

And I think OP is baiting

>417 friends

God I'm so good

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Anime sites are off-topic. Same as posting some faggot's opinion from Twitter.

>Hi my name is Amerimutt Johnny, I'm edgy as shit and I hate popular websites
>despite the fact that I sit on Yas Forums which is underground and nobody heard of it

Me neither.

Nigga they not really my friends I just like adding everyone for more views.

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I can't use trackma with Mal so I use anilist.

Thats just the price we pay :(

I am genuinely not baiting, I use MAL to track what I've seen. This would be weak bait if I was.


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If I partake of that fungi, would I die?

I swapped to AniList after the MAL downtime, the database isn't quite as comprehensive but no regrets so far.

MAL has a better design. More importantly, caring about how strangers track their watchlist is retarded.

It's a site which does much more than that, and is used my most normalfags as the baseline for quality from what I've seen. Some will only watch a show if it's above a certain rating, and not watch/try out new stuff if it isn't that. It is also used by many as a showcase for how much dedication somebody has to anime and manga, and those types will use it to gloat and circlejerk each other on how much anime they watch. This gets to a point where people will only watch certain things only to boost their count of anime, which is just retarded.

What's the point when you have paper and a pen?

>Generally skewed ratings(can't see distribution either)
>Poor reviews
>Normie forums
>Garbage api and thus no third party integration, which is the important one for me.
>Sub-par searching mechanics
>Worse statistic/chart generation (than competitors)

cloverchad based

Many people here seem to think everyone has to use exactly what they like, and that everything else is wrong.

What I meant by my post was that if you just use it track your anime and manga, and don't read or write reviews, engage in the forums or any of that, then it's fine. Your other criticisms are valid though.

>I think Yas Forums is fine if you only use it to track anime and manga you've watched/read, and don't engage in the forum activity.

MAL devs are incompetent niggers who don't deserve any users.

>1200 anime
>0 manga


>Black Clover

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Dogshit list features. Honestly, that's really the only problem I have with it. It looks better than its competitors, has a better database than Tranilist and more interesting people to talk to. Tranilist is barren wasteland full of newfags, trannies and mentally impaired retards, but the websites list features are just too good to pass up on with all the filtering, custom list, custom scoring and notes features. You can basically write personal reviews for every show you watch without ever having to publish them. Really handy.

anilist is better anilist.co/user/Antimony/

now that's a name I have seen in a long time
nigger with a small dick lol

i'd use mal if i wanted to have to manually update episodes, see staff listings drowned in random mutts involved with the dub, see characters listed with voice actors for 10 different languages in random order and the fifty other inconvenient things about that garbage site

It's a good way to die

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Still haven't had a reason to get into Manga when there are plenty of fun Anime to still watch. Won't ever run out.

I like shounen

My dick is pretty big hit me up and avoid the memes.

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but who gives a shit if normalfags aren't watching unpopular shows on mal or if some faggot gloats because they've wasted more time than others on fucking cartoons

anilist and anidb are superior for reasons already mentioned, but there's nothing wrong with just using the database aspect of MAL.

Oh shit, haven't seen this faggot mentioned in a while.

>mad about the website strangers use
Go outside

i'm sorry your site is garbage
try not to get so upset

"Try not to get upset" he says
Please refer back to your original post, and continue to seethe


>No Color
>No Animations
>No Music
>No Voice Acting
>No Openings/Endings
>Have to read from right to left
>If the manga artist dies, then the manga is canceled forever

anime is literal advertisement garbage made to promote the source material 9 out of 10 times. You're missing out.