New Fat Elf today

New Fat Elf today

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boss looks fatter

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I wish I could read what these bakas are saying.

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>hitome and oga
>snek sisters
It is good day to be Giant Man!

>it's a databook chapter

Look at this adorable fatty.

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>tallest snek is 176cm
That isnt giant dumbass

>weights are all covered

Is he ever going to fuck any of the fatties?


Not like it'd be consistent, they're constantly relapsing every other chapter.

I wanted fesh.

I like girls like her, but I'm afraid to publicaly admit it. How do you guys deal with the stares when people see you and think you settled down for a fatty?

just dont care. slapping that fat booty around while she plays games is worth it. I could squeeze a plump butt forever and not get bored

Grow a pair and stop giving a fuck about what random strangers think.

End yourself

Yeah that's really nice, now post Kuroeda.

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Are they putting weight back on so they can go home, or are they just treating themselves? Either way, I'm glad I got to see this.

Sadly wifey only gets one page

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>ywn be this thicc shorty's big spoon

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Didn't a kind user mostly remove the sample text in a previous thread?

>dem gorgon sisters

>High heels
>Thick ass thighs and lips
>Sexy long hair over one eyes
Why the fuck does meth make me want to get Snusnu and BLACKED so badly

Just don't care what others think of you my dude.

it's less than a week's time of leisurely-paced learning to fully grasp kana. you can do it.

think of all the H you get to read

So how long does it usually take for translations to come out? Who usually scanlates?

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here you go

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So is she good to twerk?

I do but I don't feel like doing it, so do it yourself

>He thinks I actually indulge in my fetish IRL, let alone even date