why the fuck he always screamed like a little bitch, is this show even worth it Yas Forums?
>watching kizu first
Smelly dumb SEAmonkey scum
im watching kizu after bakemono. im following what the redditers say
See, there's your problem.
but it have so many upvotes tho
kizu is the most a e s t h e t i c but monogatari second season is the shit, it's all downhill from there
>is "Reddit the anime" good?
kill urself (plz reddit upboat this)
how is monogatari reddit?
Release order is stupid. Chronological makes much more sense
how are you supposed to watch it in chronological order? you would have to constantly jump through the episodes in monogatari second season
>Release order is stupid
Literally kys
Reddit is the boogieman of Yas Forums
Whatever you don't like is reddit.
No, chronological is fucking stupid.
why english so language is of being hard
teen thread hue hue hue
>he says it while posting on 4reddit
second season isn't the nuts one, it's having to intersperse Koyomimonogatari everywhere
No I'm pretty sure having to weave SS and owari together would be the nuts part.
Have fun trying to watch kabuki, oni, neko shiro and mail all mixed up together.
shitty thread OP
post snake
You aren't supposed to. It's something that brainlets with no story comprehension do because the seasons are each called a different word instead of just Monogatari Season 1 to Season 10.
I’m following same graphic, currently on Nise (just stumbled into toothbrush episode yesterday)
Anyway, bros, have we all agreed on who's the best girl? Pic related
I'm a moron
Manga adaptation is better.
Based Oh! Great
Yes you are
Manga is literal shounen garbage.
I'm surprised Nisio signed off on it.
>I'm surprised Nisio signed off on it.
what gives the impression that he's not a shonenshitter
he worked in Jump for awhile