What does Yas Forums think about this show?
Vinland saga
The main character sucks.
Good show. Too bad the manga is slow.
good show, too bad the manga becoming shit
Decent anime carried by the "antagonist". Shame that the author went full fucking retard and ruined his own manga due to modern day gender politics and citing historical misinformation as a fact.
Good show. Too bad the combat scenes are so anime and Thorfinn has gay daggers instead of a manly sword and shield combo.
Good show. Too bad no good porn pics/doujins.
based Yukimura triggering retards, the manga is great
Wise user.
Awesome show. Only part I didn't like was the Thorfinn original near the end but the original where he learns how to fight was actually a neat addition. I highly recommend it, it's one of those anime that do a decent job of adapting the source material.
>and citing historical misinformation as a fact.
In what way?
Pretty good. I'm looking forward to watching the second season in how ever many years.
I am gonna need to hear your reasoning on violence ever being good.
Feels like they got in very little for 24 episodes. Some of the character development was very rushed as well. I didn't buy the prince's transition at all, and they had so much time to spread out the development. And while Thorfinn's anguish and his dynamic with Askeladd being good,Thorfinn is basically a nothing character for the whole duration of it.
Read farmland, then pretend Thorfinn dies a mile away from iceland in his journey to greece.
Never Ever. Don't ask for it.
Pretty damn good, all the characters are well characterized and have believable reactions wo what happens to their Life
Sounds based. Blind violence with no consequences performed by kids no less like in hunter x hunter makes me sick.
botched adaption
What did they change?
More like added iirc. They did change a few details but most of the important stuff like Thorfinn's childhood and Canute's character development. There's 1-2 episodes of animeonly showing Thorfinn's first fight and how he and Askeladd worked out a duel for cooperation deal. After that, it follows the chapter 'Ragnarok' closely afterwards.
>Thorfinn's childhood and Canute's character development
are there*
They extended some fights here and there like Askeladd fighting his dad and him killing off most of the guards near the end.
I just might. Even though I thought the voice work was very well done here I feel like this is the kind of show you don't need to see animated. The good stuff is more meditative and character-driven. I can't remember anything that stood out animation-wise actually. Apart from the vista shows, which were just stills anyway.
Pretty boring. I liked Askeladd and the MC's sister though.
>due to modern day gender politics and citing historical misinformation as a fact
Uh, I'm not even sure what you're referring to here, but it sucks because of billions of side characters and side quests and minimal real progress, not muh historical accuracy as though that matters in a series where some viking dude is the descendant of King Arthur.
Unironically kino
>too coward to adapt Greece
>not making Thorfinn question about his way of life, only trying to hammer down life is good 'n shiet
Unironically degenerate art. Impossible to enjoy if you have triple-digits IQ.
Why should he be a coward for that?
I picked it up because I thought it'd be like a novel I read as a child called Beyond the Mists, but the author is a hack so the novel is way better