I'm personally in bottom mid left, where do you all fall? I also dont believe we should live of handouts though.
I'm personally in bottom mid left, where do you all fall? I also dont believe we should live of handouts though
On their own or illegal. It's a mental illness, it should be treated and not celebrated or accepted.
wrong turn?
why is this on an anime board
Why should my taxes used to sustain faggots to stay being degenerate, using drugs and fucking until they got HIV ? They are useless to the nation. They don't reproduce, they just consume some unhealthy shit and destroy themselves and other potential productive people they have to alienate since kids to their lifestyle. Don't go telling me they do any different. If they are not on mental treatment they are on rehab.
Trans rights
>it should be treated
>so it’s better to not give anyone the means to treat it, perhaps even prevent them from even admitting it under threat of punishment
Yas Forums doesn't understand the concept of borders or assimilation. They flood into other boards and insist on bringing their shitty culture with them where-ever they go.
I don't know user, why should my taxes be used to support you?
center auth but tranoids should have the same rights as other people
get your hormones and your weird faggot surgery if you want, queer, it'll remove you from the gene pool, just get out of my face
Fuck off
i hope you get cancer
nice anime thread you monstrous faggot
>Don't go telling me they do any different.
classic Yas Forumstard so caught up in his backwards ways and refusing to reevaluate his opinion after receiving new information
Based Stalin and Hitler killing the trannies.
fags die God laughs
op reeks of /lgbt/ vibes though
If a man is under the delusion he has one arm, you aren't supposed to cut it off.
Just like if a man is under the delusion he is a woman, you aren't supposed to cut his dick off and pump him full of female hormones.
Kill yourself, redditor. You spend more time thinking about transsexuals than actual transsexuals do.
Tranny detected. You are not a anime girl, faggot. Nothing you do with yourself is going to change that.
You will never fit in on Yas Forums, you hypocritical immigrant faggot.
Noone uses that term anymore you low iq chud
uh I think user meant mental health treatment retard
I hate faggots, the fedora neckbeard fags of decades past now dress like women and expect people to respect them
>You spend more time thinking about transsexuals than actual transsexuals do.
Yes, once my blood tests come back I plan on jumping on androgens
Is the on your own supposed to be bad
fuck off
retards blame everything on Yas Forums now, it must be a false flag because otherwise their 'side' wouldn't be perfect. that this is a perfect mirror of the lowest clade of Yas Forumsacks' thought processes goes totally over their heads.
>fit in on Yas Forums
i'd insult you but no word could be as painful as scraping pus out of an infected wound
Good on you to out yourself as a retard who want's to defend mental health care
I can say the same, abomination.
The only right they should have is the right to die
based trannies living rent free in falseflagger-kun's head
Yes. Pay the healthcare for them,biggot. They can't possibly you know, work.
At least the Trannies are a self solving problem.
Kek, reddit horde flooding Yas Forums‘s utopia. Pretty accurate desu
this is literally retarded
Yes user, for everyone.
Liberalism is the cancer of society. It's literally antithetical to it.
>where do you all fall?
I honestly wouldn't fucking know, the definition of these axis are vague as hell nowadays.
But since I'd prefer as little governmental interference as possible I'd probably be a hardline lib, and given that everyone keeps calling my personal ideas on stuff like multiculturalism and such borderline racist or even nazi I suppose I'm firmly in the lower right quarter, just no idea how far.
As for trannies in specific, if gov handouts are a thing, they oughto get them too. just not for their illness in perticular. Definitely no insurance bullshit to fund self-mutilation though.
>where do you all fal
Ill be the one carrying out state sanctioned fatal injections on trannies.
No u
what healthcare are we talking about, sickness and all that is fine. But SRS? not comfortable with that.
Mods are hard at work.