Yfw ferris is canonically a girl

>yfw ferris is canonically a girl

Attached: 1587237157571.jpg (1280x720, 284.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q="as ferris jogged ahead to join"&pws=0&gl=us&gws_rd=cr


it takes one google search to confirm it, it's just stubborn trapfags that cant comprehend a char is trans

Attached: [Judas] Re Zero 2020 - S01E07-[22.22.098-22.28.687].webm (1920x1080, 1.4M)

>has a penis
I don't think so, Tim.

But this isnt the source material, it doesn't hold as much weight

Trannies aren't women, they are faggots in dresses and need to be called out in public.

The ford is FAGGOT not woman, it's FAGGOT.


I did though, I search for this passage; weirdly enough I could only find four links that refer to it, and weirdly enough two of them use "he" and two of them use "she"; they are otherwise very similar but slightly different, and claim they are different chapters.

google.com/search?q="as ferris jogged ahead to join"&pws=0&gl=us&gws_rd=cr

this cant be trap bros......

Proof is right there in OP, not sure what anyone is arguing against.

I believe that at that point Ferris' gender hasn't been revealed yet, and Subaru (who is the protagonist) is still under impression that he's a girl, so narration is also using female pronouns in order to set up the surprise to reader.
At least that's what I imagine is going, I didn't read the novel.


And this is few pages later. Narration switches to male pronouns after the reveal happens.

Attached: ferris-novel.jpg (617x938, 254.7K)

Attached: scrot09.jpg (954x1658, 474.71K)

This is more recent

Attached: 6453325689.jpg (894x321, 167.59K)

faggots in dresses are faggots in dresses. Transexuals are mentally ill faggots who fell for the meme the trannie cult spread

>Ferris became a twink with the power of faith
Kek. Not even the gods can change HIS gender.

Attached: 1586092720780.jpg (1440x810, 142.47K)

>this one anime boy in a dress spurred dozens if not hundreds of actual men to cut their dicks off and LARP as a woman for the rest of their lives

Attached: 1581825628545.jpg (1920x1080, 335.79K)

>44% of transsexuals show signs of clinical depression.
>Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV.
>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.
>MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men.
>41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide.
>Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.

Animu is a fearsome thing. The Nips have had their revenge.

Theres so much conflicting info, that just tells me ferris is a poorly written character

That's not "proof"; that's a text without a source that anyone could have written; I googled the text and A) it barely occurs on the web and in no official source and B) it occurs with "he" as often as with "she".
This too is a text that anyone could have written with no official source.
And this too.

Why do you people think that random images which anyone can make with no attribution or source amount to "proof"?

any char that falls under the trap shtick is going to be bad, most are just fapbait for incels. It's why most are from gacha games to bait money.

neckbeards in dresses

>ferris is a poorly written character
He's a character in a light novel. What did you expet?

It's straight from Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Ex, Vol. 1 this is canon

We love trans ppl here bro, you must be new or something

>If I answered it seriously, I wanted to do something that could only be done with the character "A man who looks like a girl but is a man." Please look forward to Ferri-chan. Thank you.
The author, trannies can shut up now


>Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide
Because when they finally crossed the road to the other side, all they'll find is the same green grass.