Why are the sexiest anime girls most of the time underage?

Why are the sexiest anime girls most of the time underage?

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Because that's when girls are at their peak attractiveness.

Teenagers are the hottest. Aphrodite even once stated her charms could make Hera as soft and supple as a 16 year old girl so she could distract Zeus and they went at it like pure sibling lovers when they demanded be allowed to marry before they drifted apart.

Isn't Nico like 18?

But she's the oldest of the Love Live girls.

>entered puberty
pick 1


To be fair she looks 14.

That isn't what it means

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What do you mean underage? If her parents give consent then it's halal.

Because thousands of years of human evolution and science

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Botan I love you!

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I guess they never miss huh

Botan is made for sex.

get this rodent out of here


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Faggots like you need to learn what underage means, underage for porn is not the same as underage for sex. You'd have to be living in some third-world shithole for a 17 year old to be underage for sex.

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To be fair porn is the average user's only contact to sex

Age is consent is not the same that legal adult age but I agree with some points.

Why are so many idols underage? Aren't they supposed to be appealing?

You answered your own question.

Why are you trying to achieve

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Most of them look too busty.

In highschool a dozen of the 18 year olds looked 14 and a couple 14 year olds looked 18. Weird innit.

>butt size is bigger than chest
Oh yes

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I love this bodytype

Why is my winkle only 2 and a half inches long??

What is a winkle?

my peanus weanus

The term underage was made up by old feminists and frigid puritans to destroy western society.