My favorite anime of all time is Planetes

>my favorite anime of all time is Planetes
what type of person do you imagine?

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Someone who can think for themselves.

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the founder of 9gag

the founder of ebaums world

someone with poor taste. nice animation and concept but its ruined by the unlikable characters

A feddie dog. Real Zeon men like big guns and action.

i imagine someone who doesn't think Yamato 2199 is the best space opera.


>ruined by the unlikable characters
You have to be 18 to post on 4channel.

Someone who invented a website like this when he was an underage ban, was okay for a bit, then became a luggage lad and sold the site to a sketchy, greedy twat.

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Someone who'll sit through 15 minutes of boring trash for 3 minutes of cool cathartic action.

Yea honestly they were shit and the romance too

A giant fucking faggot.

Someone who thinks critically acclaimed = good without actually paying attention to the cloying dialogue, flat characters, and insipid message

I imagine a pretentious prick that actually has shit taste.

Planetes is kind of a generic anime to like. It's either someone who follow what critics say as brought up, someone with very strict requirements to objective qualities of what makes something considered good and that wants to come off as someone with good taste.

Alternatively, it's someone who doesn't watch anime, but has seen maybe a handful and was directed to Planetes because they are really interested in space.

Someone who is so boring every conversation with that person would be a drag, also with the variety anime offers and much better shows out there that deserve the title "best ever" much more than Planetes I'd say they have irredeemable shit taste.

Someone who is pretentious & have terrible taste.

A terrorist sand nigger that unironically believes he is entitled to the fruits of civilization he contributed nothing to.

A person with Patrician taste, able to look past superficial error to see the magnificent grand picture.
Someone who do not expect to be fed obvious "good guy/bad guy".

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You clearly haven't watched the anime

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somebody who wasn't watched that many anime

>Western countries invest years of research and billions of dollars into space travel.
>Start mining helium in space making oil obsolete.
>Sandnigger petrocracies lose their oil-bucks and revert back into stone age.
>Sandniggers unironically argue that they are entitled to the profits from space as their oil-bucks were "stolen."
>Proceed to terror bomb space stations, killing dozens of the average Joe blue-collar space workers.
>The show tries to frame the whole deal as a nuanced grey-vs-grey situation.
Both you and the author of this vomit are moral bankrupts and I genuinly wish you'd get cancer.

fucking what critics. Nobody cares about critics

implying anyone under the age of 30 has even watched this before

This,when i watched it i was what the fuck is this sjw cuck shit,then i realized it is written by tha same author as Vinland saga who is a declared male feminist and pacifist.
Fucking garbage.

If by the age of 30 you can't appreciate a story because the characters are "unlikable", it's probably time to kill your self.

You've clearly only read what you wanted to and made stuff up to fit your worldview alt-kun.
The anti-space terrorist were nothing but pawns in the hand of rival countries, just like America trained Jihadist to keep the middle-east anti-Soviet.
The INTO UN-expy they portray is completely corrupted and don't follow their own ideals. There was no free competition as even a top tier company like Vega was pushed out of deal and small countries not part of the clique wouldn't even be looked at if they didn't have law to force themselves to look like good guys.

Pay attention to the deal they strike at the end, they didn't gave free shit to whatever your imagined enemies is, they just failed to install their Jewish new world order to say it in terms you might understand.

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An alternate version of myself who has never seen Haibane Renmei.

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Planetes is amazing if you can get past episode 3 and understand what they actually mean by 'love'.

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PLANETES thread always attracted troll ever since

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Space libtard.