One Piece

When will they become relevant?

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Urouge will join in the wano war just to fuck yonko shit up, or better yet the entire time he was at WCI fucking up sweet commanders

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What killed the hype? For me it was the flashback ending. We went from seeing Gol D. Roger and prime Garp to seeing the faggot that is Luffy. What a step down.

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why was bonney even there? how the fuck would she get there if pirate crew are shot on sight at the entrance?

For me the hype was killed the moment they entered Wano, didn't help that act 1/2 were boring and flashback riddled as fuck..
The beast pirates might still be fun, but after seeing it hundredth time i don't want a YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO setting anymore.

I hate Kikufags

>perfect woman doesn't exi-

How do we fix one piece threads?

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>What killed the hype?
Post-timeskip being weaker than pre-timeskip.
Muh Wano stronk
Oden wank

>One, Kiku needs to be cuter, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
>Two, whenever Kiku's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Kiku?"

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New chapter would be a good start

>Urogue attacked WCI, defeated Katakuri and stole the road Poneglyph
How would you react?

Getting rid of the samefagging furries? Big posts for someone with 30-40 panels.

1. ban Yas Forums cross-boarders
2. ban dbz powerfags and HxH fags baiting about hiatus

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>HxH fags baiting about hiatus
The problem is not HxHfag, the problem are retards like you who give 10 (You)s to them every thread, you moronic fucking newfaggots.

There is a reason she looked like an old lady you fucking retarteth

same way you fix the anime, have it half as often

Also Urouge for elbaf

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go back

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Stop having one piece threads

What does my post have anything to do with Yas Forums you fucking idiot?

i don't think old ladies get in without invite

Banning all carrotfags, simple and efective! but jannies are afraid. Sad!

Ban falseflaggers
Ban Yas Forumsedditors
Ban speedreaders

How about not having a fucking general? If there only were threads after a chapter was released these threads would actually have some substance.

go back

I just asked you, newfag. What does my post have anything to do with Yas Forums?
Are you trying to fit in by saying what everyone does or something? Christ.

her mother, or family, is def royalty as the in real life bonney pirate also was

How about instead of banning shitposters you stop replying to them you big brained dumb fuck?

He's obviously a newfaggot, he'll learn in due time.

>Back to Yas Forums
HxH is a manga. Not a game, gorilla-kun.

Thanks for being a hypocrite and being the one thing you complain about

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I don't think you read those posts carefully, user.

Don't worry, if you keep reading the post i'm sure you'll get it soon enough

Did you really get so angry at them that you started posting HxH to falseflag?
This is embarrassing.

>the cuck starting shit between hxh and one piece threads was a falseflagger all along



it's almost like she used an alias

>whines about hxhfags
>starts posting hxh
What did shizo mean by this?