Dubs is the only way to watch anime

>if you watch subs you're an idiot that can't appreciate anime as an art form
>if I wanted to read I'd grab a manga
>so while you're too busy reading the bottom of the screen I'm going to be enjoying the visuals and everything the anime has to offer
Just how god intended

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>listening to fired from their job pedos

subs fags seething

Grow up please.

or you could just learn nip you faggot. oh wait you can't

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What the fuck is the point of this thread?

>these are the kind of people that post on Yas Forums now
Shouldn't you be makig another naruto and/or dbs thread OP?

why would I learn some made up ching chong language

seethe harder brainlet

You will be able to read manga raw so you don't have to beg strangers on the internet to translate it for you.

seethe harder nipfag


If it's good sure.
There are some good dubs out there however they are incredibly rare.
Cromartie being a choice example

>I am insecure about the fact that I can barely read my own language so I'll claim half baked dubs are superior

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>I am insecure about the fact that I don't like my own language so I'll claim subs are superior

Imagine being so borderline illiterate you can’t read the subs fast enough to then also watch the animations. Get past the 3rd grade before posting here kid.

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No, I quite like my language.
I don't like listening to VA rejects though, which 90% of anime dub actors are.

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It's true! Obviously you really hit a nerve with this one

imagine not liking the sound of your own language so much that you'd rather watch the bottom of the screen then enjoy anime

Ameriblobs literally cannot read and have to convince themselves that AKSHUALLY NO ONE CAN READ YOURE NOT SEEING THE ANIMATION BRO

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Why would I like the sound of amateur foreigners butchering my language?

>I can't come up with an argument so I'll just throw whatever insult I first think of

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The argument is that you're an obese retard who should commit suicide because you LITERALLY CANNOT READ AS AN ADULT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU

>imagine hating your waifu's language so much you'd rather choose the listen to a shittier western VA

this anger is sad, user.

>still no argument for why subs are better
why don't seeth all the way back credit

it's murica. they're free to be retarded

Come on, he's not even trying that hard.

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>Didn't get dubs

I don't live in America you fucking retard, even if I did you'd still be wrong

I listen to my wife in her native language but in every other situation it's an objective truth that subs are an inferior experience

Cathartisis for being cooped up. OP is doing a public service

that's even worse user. you don't have an excuse.


That doesn't even make any sense. How do you get insecure about not liking something?
Meanwhile we know for a fact you can't read because you established that you think everyone is "too busy reading the bottom of the screen" to enjoy the visuals. If you could read your own language you could do both.

Listening to Americans is always the inferior experience.

look this is how I see it.
if an anime doesn't get a dub it's not worth your time


Man, english voice acting is always so on point.

I know this is heresy, but I actually like alot of the English dubs. For the most part, it’s a nice way to watch a series I like while at the same time multitasking other aspects of my life.

user that's like basing your preferences on mal rankings...are you ok?

>not knowing japanese

>posting 4kids shit
wow, you sure got me, what subreddit did you find this in?