Had sex with Nat tons of times

>Had sex with Nat tons of times
Fucking hypocrite.
Holy shit. There is no saving for her and her defense force at this point.

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A hoe in denial.

Stop bypassing my filter retarded keifag.

You really are autistic. Why would she tell the press that she fucked him and destroy his future? Social skills.

Yeah... this. I mean are you guys serious?


Imagine a man saying this about a young girl he fucked.



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God hates liars.

fat fuck reporter who was called out for being shit at his job isn't a god though.

*her future


I would have felt bad if the reporter actually had false information and was making Hinas actions seem worse than they were like getting a train run on her by the entire class. But all he had was the truth. Death is exactly what she deserves when he got his life destroyed for uncovering the truth

He's the instrument of God.

Bro we could literally read her thoughts. She was thinking about his future.

>NOOOOOO she had sex with a college student as a teacher
Fucking lawfags. They are both adults. A guy from my class was in the same situation and married her, so there's nothing illegal there.

>Not thinking about Natsuo
user pls

>Yas Forums should know where such girls go

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he was in highschool and also her step brother


Sexual relationships between teachers and students are usually forbidden no matter the age. It's not against the law but it's against the rules of basically every college/school, and is almost always grounds to fire the teacher and expulse the student. It's to prevent favoritism and exploitation of status (both in favour for or against the student).
t. former student of education who had to sit through a bunch of meetings and a seminar because a teacher at my internship had a relationship with his student.

Then where is God's punishment for Rui ?, That stone faced manipulative bitch is as awful as her sister

This. This is what also Bokuben fags do not understand.

Rui is the author's golden child so naturally she deserves all the happiness in the world.
Even though she didn’t really do anything to earn it but who cares lol.

Fuck Hina.

I bet you also hate incest in 2D

She's gonna end up with Natsuo, there's her punishment.

But it's not immoral and neither involved parties should be publicly shamed for it, especially not years afterwards

I downloaded the last few chapters, because Bookworm Girl was cute. There was no Bookworm Girl anywhere. Is she out of this manga for good?

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groomed by her teacher

She only pops out from time to time, she isn't really a character anymore. Neither is Momo, but apparently she is in a relationship with sensei now.

>A guy from my class was in the same situation and married her
Damn, based.

Dating your former teacher several months/years after graduation is a different thing, faggot.