There is no justice in the world

There is no justice in the world.

Attached: cowboy-bebop-netflix-series-picture.jpg (1280x720, 102.52K)

It's going to be reviled regardless. Remember how Eva was received?

Just torrent and watch. Forget everything else, what opinions it influences. Most people are retards anyway.

Attached: AAjFx05JPiDc8tdnB8OueU-9_7BzWVBynXyM7YbV0AY.jpg (640x640, 122.08K)

I finally saw the space cowboy.

Personally, I blame the yahudis.

If it's faithful, it might work.


That image makes my blood boil to this day. Imagine being some jackoff intern at Cartoon Network and scribbling your drawing all over something like that.

but why John Cho? he looks nowhere near anything like Spike.

It might be good.... I Expect it will be a steaming pile of shit but there;s a chance it succeeds.

Starts off episodic as it introduces its characters and then builds up into the overarching narrative, very western formula feel, everyone gets explored decently, no 2deep4u shit like Eva. You'll probably enjoy the movie more than the series, good music and great animation.

I don't get it, what's the big deal?

They're going to make jet black a nigger for sure

Cowboy Bebop is the most surface level anime because its a well written show without the pitfalls of normal anime, no cringy fan service, boring exposition etc. Putting it on Netflix means a massive influx of ""Anime""" fans which will degrade the already festering shitpile that is the modern anime fandom into a corpse

It's one of the final nails in the coffin to kill anime, just like normies killed vidya

I've seen the anime.And the movie. Multiple times.

The live-action isn't out yet,is it?

>final nails in the coffin
That was long ago.

You are talking about a dead franchise that is getting a revival, meanwhile anime are merely made to promote the manga/LN, shitty budgets and trashy CG. If you aren't 13 there is no reason to watch anime nowadays.

Anime is already dead. Making it accessable to a wider audience beyond manchildren might give it a boost to promote actual creativity rather than Huxleyan filth.

am i racist? just seeing that N makes me giggle like a retard

The main cast has been out for a while, Jet is Mustafa Shakir

None of the actors look like the characters in the anime. It’s literally a Deathflix situation.

Is this anime as shit as Champloo

Silence N

kek. I didn't think about it like that. Thank you, based Ningen.

Is there a story behind this?

Original drawing is by Cowboy Bebop man when he visited, some onions boy artist went and drew over it.

Why did the onion draw over it, what's the context?
Was he getting an autograph from the onion?

I wouldn’t go that far. He’s an okay match. Not great but not “what were they thinking” tier either.

if they wanted it to last they wouldn't have used that pen

Did the faggot ever get identified?