Cake? Cake!

Cake? Cake!

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alright time to get down to business.
what is the optimal first date with a cake?

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Beer, more beer and lots of sex.

Amusement parks, cafes, the kind of thing she wishes she could have done as a teenager
The kind of thing she'd be glad she waited for you to do together

Lots of complementing
Astronomically based

Threadly reminder that Kaede is actually gay

This and then this


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Xanax martinis and then straight into the butt.

At what age does a woman qualify as cake? Curious about pic related.

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She gets you drunk and rapes you all night long

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Pretty sure a woman past 25 would qualify as cake.

Unsold after the 25th, a Christmas cake

unless you are 18 years old, you have no chance

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When did Rin get such a chest

where the lolis @?

Elementary school, where they belong

>be me, Russian 20 y-o
>live in Saitama
>japanese is around N5 level, can hold up a shitty conversation
>been chatting with a 7/10 Japanese office cake at the local Izakaya for a few weeks now
>she is obviously interested in me and says that my accent is cute
Do you think I have a chance Yas Forums

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Has he fucked her yet?

>she is obviously interested in me
Wake the fuck up.

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She starts the conversation herself and and is always the first one to say hi to me, jap people dont just to that to any gaijin

Not your blog, пидрила ебаная, уёбывай на reddit

Did anyone save the Kenshiro edit? Because that was pretty fun to see and think of.

вопрос по теме задал жи

What part of saitama?

Does single and always sexually arowsed school teacher count as a cake?

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>Does a cake count as a cake?

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