There is absolutely nothing wrong with harems.
The only people that get offended about them are normalfags.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with harems
>t. Muhammad bin Marrakesh
If you have no problem with polygamy then you have a problem
I’d rather take /u/fags than you polygamyshitters all day
>The only people that get offended about them are feminists
Yuricucks should go back to their containment board.
/u/niggers are worse though
All i'm hearing is that muslims are based though?
Satou must be one.
I agree. They can be fun.
Ai yori aoshi kind of ruined it for me for nearly a decade and I never went back. I watched nisekoi and then couple of years later I watched Girly Air Force and enjoyed them.
Why do people constantly say that Rokujouma is the best harem? There's pretty much no romance for the first 20 volumes. And the actual story itself isn't that good.
Based Liz not taking part in it
Only if you're the kind of piker who thinks that four women makes a harem.
Maybe not but most of them have dumb MCs or autistic gary stus.
anything over three is a harem
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with harems.
Harem ends = best ends
More than four is haram, user.
Let's start posting good harem stories here bros.
First is the classic.
Tenchi-Myou, GXP, and what else, user?
She still would want to participate.
Campione is pretty good imo. The light novels i mean.
Too bad satou is a degenerate that goes to prostitutes.
I’m fine with harems, what I’m not fine with is the bad writing that usually encompasses them
It was such a waste to have someone like Liza around for years and still go and pay prostitutes all the time.
They are ok as long as they know what they are instead of trying to come out as romance,or being harem but having not actual harem.
same but with arisa
it's not the number of girls we hate (though if you have more than 4 girls, they're usually underdeveloped characters and suck), it's the fact that most harem MCs are boring generic self-inserts who are denser than lead
what are you talking about? An intrinsic part of good harems are the romance. Otherwise what's the point.
The problem is that it never makes sense because the female characters are never actually characters that form relationships with each other that aren't about the MC's dick
That too, but with Liza he couldn't even have the excuse about the body type.
that's women in real life too tho
A romance ending with not actual decision but everyone going "yeah lets all fuck!" Is dumb,i rather go full fanservice and wishfulfilment than have some drama that would lead nowhere because the series thinks it can do both.
You're only allowed multiple wives if you're able to support them. You are also required treat them fairly and equally.
why do you think romance always needs drama? It can be a simple romance without any drama
There's something wrong with harem anime, however. Namely, it's the fact that the MC never fucks any of them. He rarely even kisses any of them.
>You are also required treat them fairly and equally.
I guess bland, preferenceless MCs are actually the best kind to have a harem then.
I've been telling Yas Forums that for years, but moefags refuse to listen.
is the excuse they use to defend their moeblobs being asexual.