How is any of the shit that Teiai does allowed?
i miss it
It's fucking not, that's the entire point.
why this overrated shit still gets threads is beyond me
Is it really?
it's bait user don't take it.
Someone just watched it and is spamming threads.
Yes. Its one of those shows that people think will make them look smart if they can say they have watched.
The first season is solid, the second season is a bit worse. Form your own opinion
no, tell me yours so i can pretend its mine
Money solves everything.
They have ties to yakuza, wasnt it clear from how they act
>hot bod
>rich dad
holy shit Kaiji is such a fucking retard
I find it interesting that they always honor their end of the deal when they can't bullshit their way out of it like in the bridge arc
>you shoulf marry an uggo you dont even like for money
Are you a divorce lawyer or something?
Almost, but I'd still fuck an uggo even without the money part.
Paper bags were invented for a reason, you know.
Take my two cents. I watched both seasons of Kaiji because a lot of people recommended it to me and because I randomly heard its opening and I liked it. I expected a decent plot, but what I got was just screams and tears for no tangible reasons. Also the MC is absolutely hateful, he's a retard and has no development in the whole show. The only valuable things in the anime is the first opening and the second ending.
They are a criminal organization. Watcha gonna do? Complain to the police?
Boo hoo, you contracted debts to a criminal organization? Oh no, did someone contract debt to a criminal organization? Did someone participate in illegal gambling events? How sad nevermind
She acts like a parody of a girlfriend but maybe it could go somewhere if Fukumoto could write women
it's just japanese
>>you should marry an uggo you dont even like for money
Literally the opposite. S1 is overrated, S2 is underrated.
Akagi is better.
Smart....Imagine being this stupid to think Kaiji is pretentious core
So true
Kek, filtered by fucking Kaiji of all things.
Works pretty good at filtering teh plebs i noticed.
I’m actually partway through season 1 for the first time, gonna watch the Madhouse adaptations then read the mangos
Its been pretty good so far, love that musical score with the creepy pianos
What the narrator said about life being a “lonely race” really resonated with me, the image of 6.6 billion people all walking their own bridges and being forced to resort to imperfect modes of communication was pretty profound
Also fuck that fat guy from the boat. What a useless prick
>discovering FKMT
Enjoy the ride
The modern 1st world life is too long to look for political marriages
adding to if you want to dive in into FKMT.
Osts composer is the same as the Death note one. Dud's a fucking genius but hes in jail for smoking pot atm.
>reading Ten before Akagi
The only issue with this image.
never notice that. maybe because ten was first to finish than agaki. oh well here's the updated version.
much better
not quite. here's the updatefinaledit.