ITT: overhyped borefest

>le "spends 90% of the anime crying" man

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kaiji is one of the ugliest artstyles I've ever seen

gintamafags be like

>watch gintama it's great
it's boring
>it gets good after the 20th episode
it's still boring
>keep watching it gets good after the 50th episode
it's still boring though
>i promise, it'll be good after the 100th episode

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shit opinion くたばれ

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Obvious bait

Imagine not spending 90% of your time crying

My little bait can't possible be this KUYASHII!!!!

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>le shit taste man


But that's not an image of Deku.

kaiji good
season 3 good

Anime artstyles are some of the cringiest artstyles I've seen I can barely tell some characters apart except for their hair it's so fucking bland and annoying see some flavor of the month waifu end up just having bigger tits and some non convential hair color.
Kaiji is unique and easy to get into the fact that the characters arent attractive and look like people with exaggerated features, which makes them seem like real human beings.
Kaijis artstyle isn't ugly it's well made ugliness

Maybe you're a just boring shit yourself. That's likely the case

Kaiji is anything but boring, even the Pachinko arc that dragged forever was fun to binge

>it's well made ugliness
Holy Cope

Watch better anime faggot.


>wrong story, but your dedication is impressive as ever punk

Ye Kaiji really wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be, didn't make it through the first season

lol cope

>reading Kaiji manga
>Kaiji does retarded shit, things kinda work out by end some how
meh I don't really get the appeal
Spend all this time learning random rules of the gambling game and then characters fuck around.
Why the fuck would Kaiji (or anyone) have let the scammer half ass shuffle he cards then deal them in non-random order...

He has a gambling addiction.

I loved it from first few episodes. I skip story episodes and just watch comedy filler.

A gambling addict should be the one to call out sketchy dealing.

This shit dragged, was filled with melodrama and tropey as fuck.

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Every anime is filled with melodrama.

>even the Pachinko arc that dragged forever was fun to binge
no it wasn't

Akagai, Ten, and Kurusawa are all better desu.

kind of telling that all the posts defending kaiji have been maximum cope like ‘no u’, ‘it’s well-made shit’ and ‘all anime is melodramatic anyway’

>I-It gets better after 3 seasons

Sounds like an anime to me

fuck yeah it was

this, anyone who thinks otherwise is an underage shonenfag
here's proof