Wheres the sticky?

wheres the sticky?

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Big if true

Attached: corona eyes.png (627x672, 316.59K)

>Yas Forums - Anime & Manga & World Politics

He's still in surgery, no
Also, everyone who failed to see that this is anime related is retarded btw.

>brain dead after surgery
Wew, it's real

It's happening! He's gonna go insane and nuke south Korea for making tower of god!

They will just replace him with one of his secret brothers

As long as I enjoy the information, this is not Yas Forums. Please, go back.

Why are Asians so weird and subhuman bros? Japs are like the only normal ones, and even that is a stretch.

get me a real source

Imagine being the doctors family lol



Based Corona!


Can't wait for my boy to appear in FGO.


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looks like the las plagas symbol.

What a shitty year.

he's still alive


korea unification when?

South Korea claim no sign of Kim health unusual

Asians are really really racist. so much so there is such a thing as High Asian and Low Asian. such a thing is dependent on how pale you are though. like way more racist than whites or nigs.

>believing cnn

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La Hermana del Kim SOON!


South Korean government now want to unify with the North in 2045, while keeping the North's government intact

No, he's going to be a

What anime did Kim Jong Un watch Yas Forums??????

Kuroko no Basuke

Not so fast, a One Direction reunion appears to be in the works. Things are turning around, boys!

Who will she claim next?

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Well, yeah. Of course South Korea is going to deny it. Leaking his death early could create a destabilized DPRK, which would be catastrophic for the entire region. If he dies there's going to be a power struggle in a country with a nuclear arsenal. My money is on his sister.

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>final boss is cute
Anime like this?

I thought he was a divine being. Why does he need surgery?

Slam Dunk

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I remember we actually livestream his dad's funeral but those threads aren't allow anymore.

>The start of Mercenaires game

Attached: mercenaries.jpg (1920x1080, 423.74K)

Actually confirmed die or we just heard he passed away die?

in bad shape after a surgery

>Fat as fuck
>Heavy Smoke
Coroned Kim!
La Hermana!

Corona related?

The age of female leaders is coming and were in for a crazy ride.

>Kim received the cardiovascular system procedure because of "excessive smoking, obesity, and overwork,"


That's a photoshop, the tweet said he was "gravely ill"

The word "South Korea" of this post overlaps with the previous one when you hover over the post num It's trippy as fuck.

probably not, he's gonna die from being a fatass

Is north korea still best korea?

>it's true

Was a lot of anime made in North Korea recently?

What's up with her hairline?

Why didn't he just not be fat?


Satan quads confirms

Not yet. Reports are conflicting on if he's actually "brain dead" or if he's merely "gravely ill"

He doesn’t have an heir right? Hopefully North Korea can finally free itself

Thank you Quad-Satan.
I can dream in peace now.

he has a sister

Kim's sister will rule and ally with japan.
We will get SOL action anime set in North Korea

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North Koreans don't want to be free. Neither does china.

He has a sister and a brother I think.

He only has a 7 year old daughter

fuckin what. Off to Yas Forums I go.

Is anime even allowed in North Korea?

>implying neoliberalism is freedom
Anyway it might just end up being direct rule from the party like the USSR

>North Koreans don't want to be free. Neither does china.
Then we will give'em dosages tons of fucking FREEDOM if they mess with us.

Both Chinese and NK want and we will deliver it.

Uh... MODS???

Three possible scenarios:
>Someone is already strong enough to grasp power and the transition is made with minimal infighting
>Multiple factions attempt to take power, possibly including civilian rebellions, leading to instability and in the most extreme case civil war
>China assumes direct control under the pretense of helping to stabilize the political situation