Yas Forums draws

Everyone is bored out of their minds. Wouldn't this be a great time to have an Yas Forums draws project? Discuss what OP Yas Forums should make this time. The only requirement is that it must be Yas Forums relevant unlike last time.

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I'd like Yas Forums to draw fucking manga.to be honest. even if videos are fun. I'd like to work in something more original this time.

no matter the quality of the pages.
maybe some meme. or common greentext whatever.

SZS OP1 thought the copyright would rape us.

That'd be interesting, maybe we can agree to a simple concept and premise, then everyone can try to loosely add to it, while trying to stay as close to the original concept as possible.

Such level of coordination doesn't exist in a place like this. Yas Forums draws is the only option. I nominate Evangelion.

it does exist when there's someone in charge just like every other project.

I think OP2 is more doable as it is mostly made up of stills and very short animations.


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Trolling would ruin the project. Meanwhile trolling in Yas Forums draws projects are what makes them funny.

It's happend under similar circumstances before

I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been done before. Indeed, the last Yas Forums draws was a mess because it wasn't a core Yas Forums anime also, the shots were too long with little meme potential.

I would be glad to participate. I'm just so bored and everything I watch is potentially getting canceled.

I drew a circle.

Attached: circ.png (1745x906, 14.29K)

Lmao normies bored

Mere like normies still have hundreds of anime they haven't seen to watch. Oldfags have watched most of them twice and now got nothing to do

Bump. Come on fags, this should be fun.

just choose something, and I shall lend my mortal life to you.
oh yea bump

Attached: bump13.png (908x680, 162.44K)

Pani Poni Dash OP 2

>only requirement is that it must be Yas Forums relevant unlike last time
>it wasn't a core Yas Forums anime
>also, the shots were too long with little meme potential.
Gonna invite some controversy by suggesting that the second point is the more crucial one.
As much as I like Lucky Star, there's only so much you can do with an entire chorus of nothing but cheering/dancing, compared to an OP with more "gags".

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How long does it take to get decent at drawing bodies from many angles? I'm planning on starting soon regardless of the answers I get but I'm curious about how long it took for other people to get to a point where they were content with their skill in that area.

>How long does it take to get decent at drawing bodies from many angles?
Depends of how much you practice and your research,also on how talented you are.
>I'm planning on starting soon regardless of the answers I get but I'm curious about how long it took for other people to get to a point where they were content with their skill in that area.
most people don't,yiu just keep wishing to be better and better

>Yas Forums talks about drawing when i just got my xpen 15.6 pro

You'd think I'd miss this party?

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What's up people could be a good OP since not much actually happens.

Wait till summer anime gets cancelled.

>Anons resort to making their own anime
I'm ready.

A whole episode of teekyuu

We should do an inferno cop episode.

>or common greentext
A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess...

I would but I can't draw

eh nandatte?

I'd be willing to contribute my shitty scribbles towards another Yas Forums draws. Not sure what to do though.

The difficulty in choosing what to do is that in addition to being from a core Yas Forums anime, it has have little enough animation such that anons can make something at least crudely resembling it, but enough variation to provide organic opportunities to insert Yas Forums memes. In other words, you'd want lots of short still or pan shots featuring various characters. That's part of why the Daicon IV one was so great. The original had a ton of pop culture references that could be subbed out with things from Yas Forums culture, and enough different shots with minimal animation that anons could contribute with just a few frames or even a single shitty drawing and it would fit in fine, while leaving room for a few surprisingly good animation sequences from actual drawfags.

A good Yas Forums draws project has the coordinator prepare the frames. All you need to do is trace and then resize the character's frame if you want them to be taller or shorter. That'll do. It doesn't actually require much skill, just autism. A good bulk of the important work rests on whoever does the frame cutting and hosting.

You'd have to organize a lot of shit. I can see it possibly taking off if someone already has the story and rough drafts (storyboard, could be shitty thumbnails even).