Is it really that good? I'm about to start it

Is it really that good? I'm about to start it.

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it's like a 7/10

>#1 highest-rated anime on MAL

MAL, fucking heh

Don't pretend you don't use it

It's average. Watch Silver Spoon instead

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It's pretty good.

It was one of my first a few years ago but it’s also one I will probably never rewatch, and Iv already done that with quite a few already.

It's pretty great, but its 10-20 episodes in that it really gets going. (There is some annoying screaming comedy tho but it decreases after some time)

One of my faves and I don't really like shonen,

Unironically the first FMA was better

Not comparable.

Go back, nobody likes shitters.

If you like flashy effects, yes.
Flashy effects are only icing on the cake for me though, I can completely live without them.

True. But Silver Spoon is better characters wise

Yes it is

>Is it really that good?
Yeah, it's about as "good" as you'd expect from MAL's favourite anime.

It's fine. Just read the manga because it's worse than it in effectively every way.
If you NEED to watch I'd recommend 03 but it's not much better.

read the manga

Shows how terrible the list is. Evangelion is #1

'03 is kino
Brotherhood is shonenshit incarnate

SNK, KNY, and Haikyuu being that high is just laughable. That list shouldn't be taken seriously. Also, FMAB is fine, probably a 6 or 7 out of 10

>muh '03
All the good characters are in Brotherhood. 03 shortchanges everybody and replaces the real cast with inferior OCs who don't do jack shit.

I literally dropped it after half of the first episode
It's trash

depends how stupid you are

It's a masterpiece. Yas Forums is still seething over a fucking list, ignore them. It's even better that Evangelion is so low on that list too, it's almost like it was made to trigger them.

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Can't. Faggot mods banned me.

>just started Brotherhood
You need to fuck off back to r/anime.

I'm trying to watch brotherhood but I'm getting tired of chibi """humor""" every 2 scenes

>I'm getting tired of chibi """humor""" every 2 scenes
It's a cartoon made for children. It doesn't get any better.

It’s an accurate adaptation to a fault. Still better than 03 and one of the best shonen period.

I'm halfway in and it's really nothing to write home about yet.
Second half better be worth it.

is (battle) shonen really that bad?

Some parts in 03 are present while 09 omitted them because you already saw them on 03.