ITT that anime girl that made you a better person

ITT that anime girl that made you a better person

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If becoming an Aquafag made you a better person, you must've been unimaginably shitty before.

Thank you Aqua-sama for showing the way to my brother.

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Why are Aquafags so obnoxious?

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Based aquachads

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Fucking based

Well you know what? You are a fucking retarded monkey nigger.

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>better person
>still using words like that
>better person
You're fooling nobody..


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all of them

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She took my fear of expressing myself so again. Die you nigger >.

Anime girls have only made me hate the world more

Welcome to Yas Forums

I have been here since 2008. Start to post here years before getting a Facebook

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Reignited an appreciation for childlike wonder and fun and stopped me from being an edgy teenager who thought being an asshole was cool.

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low INT

They just made me hate real women because they are objectively worse in every way

God did a shitty job with them.

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Oh great more drooling retards with a big mouth

Pic related

You know, user, with great tastes comes great responsibility. Hideaki Anno called it "The Waifufag's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the straight normal guy to discipline the degenerates.

Looks directly at the camera.

The lolicriminals, the yuribitches, the yaoilosers...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, senpai. We'll have every pedo, faggot and dyke in this community dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God took away my Saber dakimakuras this very night if I'm wrong."

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Absolutely and utterly based

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>get new job
>its hard
>is also essential job and work is 10x harder now because of quarantine
>also suck at job
>tfw rem is the only thing getting me through the day
>just happy to come home to the figures and maybe a rem thread
>just wish she'd be here when I got him irl

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*home not him

She's there in your dreams, user, and in your heart.

All objectively true.

Just pay a hooker to cosplay and act like her
Not even for sex purposes, just have her be there for you

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You'd get blacklisted for being a potential murderer. Only an escort would be ok with weird shit like that and you'd need way more money than it's worth to do frequently

Sounds like you’ve had experience with this sort of thing

>Inspired me to be a friendlier and more reliable person in college
>Which inspired me to dress better, develop my speaking skills and try hobbies outside of weeb shit
>Also made me lose my boner for unrealistic female bodies in anime

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