Why don't you see more smoking in anime?

Why don't you see more smoking in anime?
You DO smoke cigarettes, right Yas Forums?

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>free lung cancer
no thanks

>he doesn't pay top dollar to destroy his lungs
You gay or something?

No, I only smoke wcock.

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Yes, I smoke, but the Japanese are pussy bitches :)

Smoking is only aesthetic in anime.
It is fucking disgusting in real life and it doesn't help if it's some neckbearded autist who does it.

Smoking sucks. Fuck off
Not only does it have no health benefit, you actually cause more trouble to the people around you. And my god, the stench of smoke sticks to the wall and furnitures.

Go drive an audi like the faggots you are

Is that how you talk to the people who would dance on your grave?

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Back when I was younger, but I've quit 8 or 10 years ago.
Recommend you to do so the same, after you get over the first month it only gets better.

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That is the weirdest, most pathetic attempt at a comeback I've ever read. Congrats on that.


I only smoke cock

A lot of countries have adapted to forcing tobacco companies to print disturbing images of smoking ailments to prevent people from smoking.
They weren't pulling any punches
Uncensored pictures of gangrenous wounds, a dying fetus, necrotic tumor, and so on were printed on the boxes.

I wish it's an international rule

Smokers all heard of the bad things about their habit, they are just losers who think that they cannot improve themselves

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>Why don't you see more smoking in anime?
Because most anime is in a school setting.

Because Japan’s health care system works best when everyone is healthy, especially in old age. So they try not to display this allure around cigarettes. That is why Japan’s smoking rate is declining.

Smokers are way more vulnerable to COVID. Enjoy dying. Fucking idiot.
god it's so fucking hot though

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Reigen from Mob Psycho smokes.

And yet you can still smoke indoors in japan, and they have a high smoking rate

My 3DPG take on this isn’t that different, smoking is only useful when drinking. If you’re the kind of drunk that gets sleepy, but you want to stay awake, nicotine is fantastic at this and better for your brain and body than coke, molly, or any serious amphetamines.

Why do you watch anime aimed at children? I thought this website was 18+

It’s high, but in steady decline. By 2030 it could be as low as 10%

I remember when I was 14 yrs old and thought smoking was cool.

If you're against unhealthy habits, why haven't you quit masturbation? I know what you faggots do on new years, so don't try to deflect this one.

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Leave user alone, some people peaked in middle school or high school and they want to relive those days.

Smoking is aesthetically really cool but you're better off saving your lungs

Shut your whore mouth
Smoking is highly addictive and should be banned.
You want to prevent yourself from getting drunk?

Drink a fucking coffee. Caffeine can neutralize alcohol. It's addictive as well but nowhere near tobacco

Should you drink too much coffee and start feeling like too fast of a heart beat, eat bananas to neutralize the caffeine

How is the assertion that most anime is in a school setting evidence that I watch those anime?

The fuck you smoking?
Masturbation is a healthy way to prevent cancer on your balls

Masturbating helps in preventing prostate and testicular cancer.

Smoking girls smell like trash though, and their teeth and lips often look unpleasant, even when they smoke good tobacco.

I hope they ban smoking, it would just make the flex even more unreal

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>muh prostate cancer

>not wanting to live with a healthy dick

>implying i have a dick

I think japan has cultural rules about not showing young characters drinking or smoking on television so as to not encourage young people to do it which is why on the rare occasion that it is shown it is accompanied by text in the bottom of the screen clarifying that the character is above the age of 20 and doing so before that age is criminal and it's the same mindset that ensures that you never ever see any form of drug use in anime even in seinen and if drug use is ever presented or talked about it is framed as the worst thing in the entire world reserved for the lowest scum in existence even though a CGDCT SoL show about joshikousei smoking weed would be amazing

it's the same school of rules I think which makes it so if you wanna show anything sexual you got to use that loophole that one of the characters isn't human and is an alien or a ghost or whatever and also it's probably the reason why anime is so depoliticized and you never see any critiques of contemporary society or the japanese government in anime except for maybe that one former prime minister that everyone seems to hate, which is why if your only reference for japanese culture is anime it appears as though japan is a society void of social problems which is never the case, this is also probably the reason why japan is so appealing to western people with autism.

sometimes I wish japan would adopt a more liberal western approach to what you can and can't put in your shows but then I remember what western television and cartoons are like and I think maybe it isn't such a good idea but the rigid japanese honor culture really takes it's toll on creative freedom I think

either way tobacco is very popular in japan and if anime were truly a reflection of japanese society you'd see a lot more smoking

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Smoking should never be banned, but it should be an uncomfortable thing to do, plus isolation to avoid annoying others.


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I do and I wish we got more representation as an avid smoker