Ayano is my cute gay daughter.
All yurus are Akari's harem
everyone love Akari
Imagine hugging Akari
>inb4 fugging Akari
jfc I forgot how cute Sugiura Ayano is
How can anyone forget that?
Im sorry fampai
I love that Yui secretly finds her puns hilarious
Ayano should fuck Yui to assert her dominance.
I have an announcement
Chinatsu isn't that bad
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
chinatsu bad
God I wish that were me.
Yui x Ayano is the ultimate ntr ship
Nah. Ayano x Kyoko is more NTR than that.
You can't hug something that isn't there
I cant imagine anyone watching yuru yuri and actually believing chinatsu is best girl, chinatsu a shit
Hating Chinatsu is wrong though. Every story needs an antagonist. If it weren't for Chinatsu, Akari might have lived her whole life without ever kissing a girl, surely you can appreciate the tragedy it would be.
did ayano finally won the toshino bowl?
If there is at least ONE official couple by the end of the manga i hope its ayano x kyouko.
Ayano deserves happiness after so many chapters of suffering , even her special chapter was a sad one with her pet dying.
Ayano x Kyoko
>kills Yui
>kills Chizuru
Yui x Ayano
>kills Kyoko
>kills Chinatsu
>kills Chitose
>kills Chizuru
True, yui is worse
Now that Akarin is a slime, its YY officially the GOAT?
You have to assign weights to those though. Yui likes Kyoko much more than Kyoko likes Yui. In fact Yui alone is enough to outweigh the four you listed under Yui x Ayano.
>playing world of yuru
>can't find an akari to fill group
Why does this always happen