Houkago Teibou Nisshi

How will we survive fishingbros now? I don't want to say goodbye just yet.

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we will not say goodbye until the pure and wholesome sensei appears!

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We're still getting episode 3 tomorrow, episode 4 is the one that's getting delayed.

Exactly. Also the episode comes out today.

today in nipland, tomorrow for the land of the free

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Japanese time is the only relevant timezone

its not over yet, sometimes the biggest fish require the longest wait

hina with a fishing pole

what will she catch?

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Fishing is about patience. Just going to have to tough it out.

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More episodes

sorry user, she got skunked

It was boring anyways.

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cute pup

Why didn't the manga or the anime show her panties?

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Not canon

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these hands

>Due to health concerns with the rising number of COVID-19 cases, broadcasting of the anime Houkago Teibou Nisshi will be postponed until further notice
Oh no...

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This, fishing is unironic boomershit

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goddamnit, I need their advisor's feet in my mouth NOW.

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and that's a good thing

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^^^ wrong post, actually based

I can fap to this.

Stop that.


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ya'll gonna post fanart at least make it good

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Why did this series attract so many crossboarders?

Damn so THAT'S what 15yos look like

it's about a crossboard interest user, you figure it out

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that's a big rod