Why is Subject F so perfect?

Why is Subject F so perfect?

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Why does Yas Forums hate Subject F?

It's very binary
half hate her and half love her

She's a very marmite character. Either you love her because she's your waifu/funny/a piece of shit or you hate her because she's waifubait/annoying/a piece of shit

I don't fucking know.

She's selfish, dumb and annoying.

Yas Forums loves Fujiwara, but hates Chika.

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yet will willingly sacrifice herself for Miyuki or others

Chika is the only Fujiwara that matters

Fujiwara is a cutie patotie.

Chika Shirogane


Ishigami's wife

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She is too perfect.

Wanna know what's really nice about F? We don't get to witness her dumb mindgames. So refreshing!

Fujiwara and Hayasaka are designed to appeal to normal people who aren't tsunderefags, so they keep reading/watching after realizing that Kaguya sucks and is the worst girl in her own show

>le kawaii reddit dance


She isn't.

As it should be.

Even though she has 3 IQ and probably high maintenance i would marry her. She's such a bright and friendly girl. I'm sure i'll be happy with her and her family as they are all so close and warm.


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I fucking hate you anime only shitfaces. Anime onlys are the only faggots that like chika.

Read the Manga
>Read the Manga

Read the Manga
>Read the Manga
Read the Manga
>Read the Manga
Read the Manga
>Read the Manga
Read the Manga
>Read the Manga

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>Reads the manga
>Still likes Chika
Maybe you have shit taste

nigga can u read


Why is she so cute yet stupid?

Ignore all dumb tryhards who play the "we hate this girl" game. There is no we, and such a person is almost always just trying to start shit anyway.

I thought Yas Forums was non-binary

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