To Love-Ru

>Xebec is dead
>Manga stopped
Will it ever come back?

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Anime, never. Manga, most likely.

let's hope not, every part gets worse and rito more annoying somehow

any day now...

Brown Mikan is a cutie

Does she flick the bean to her onii-chan?

no, she fingers her butt instead.

Fuck off pedo

Unless Rito will become like Basara or Kizuna, then no. We should leave the era of blueball harem behind us.

>Nemesis will never turn you into her slave
Why live

Who's this?

where the fuck were Mea and Nana at?

Roastiepilled and cringe

maybe if his daughter finish school

We will soon get a Magical Mikan manga spinoff drawn by Yabuki's daughter

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>a Magical Mikan manga spinoff drawn by Yabuki's daughter
It's R18; Kentaro is embarrassed at how explicitly lewd it gets.

why is mikan getting deleted?

Still spewing that garbage theory, user?

Would there even be a point? We reached time when Borderline H mangas with MCs having regularly sex with their harems are norm. With beta bitch like Rito, To Love-Ru wont be even "Super Interesting" anymore.
Or you telling me that Yabuki would let him actually starting fuck girls left and right (even if by some absurd level accident), in third series?

I started ignoring TLR threads after they became largely just one Mikan spammer.

Some closeted IRL pedo spammed reports, I'll bet. Plus, every new crop of jannies sucks advertiser dick more than the last.

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Like the publisher, anons have learned that Mikan on the cover boosts sales.

>mfw we'll never get the good scans fully translated

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this sexy pineapple is perfect

>they became largely just one Mikan spammer.
Even that beats our resident Yui fan's rants and raves.

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You've got the translated ones; you've got the good scans; this is your chance to be a hero, user.

Be fair, Yui is damn hot.

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Nemesis and her cute pet.

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She knows.

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When Nemesis, of all people, is lecturing you about taking responsibility for your sins, you know that you've royally fucked up.
Riko is disturbingly hot.

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