well now that healin good precure is kill which older seasons are you gonna watch in the meantime? I've been meaning to get around to happiness charge myself.
Well now that healin good precure is kill which older seasons are you gonna watch in the meantime...
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Kamen Rider
I guess it's time for me to finally watch FW. Though i'll brobably drop it again because fuck Mepple.
yes 5 is fun, been watching that
also, my dumb ass needs to catch up with 01
I just finished catching up on HG so I've watched all of them now. I'll probably rewatch some of the crossover movies to revisit the old cures. And I can use this time to catch up on pripara.
I love beautiful cures
If you think Mepple's bad then you'll love the mid-season fairy.
This is very cute. The twins are based.
Maybe this will finally give me the push to start watching other seasons.
Or continue Doremi.
maybe it's just because I've seen a lot of other shows with dipshit baby mascot characters but porun never bothered me anywhere near as much as mepple
I wish all the directors, artists and voice actors all the best. Hopefully everyone can make it out of this situation relatively unscathed
I'll finish up Go Princess and then move on to either Suite or Fresh. Probably Suite, I saw an episode of it in the stream last night and it seems really fun.
Aoi's definitely my second favorite Kira now. It's nice that Butler Nii-san is actually a decent guy, and he didn't get convinced to change his mind immediately either. Although I think Aoi should have played an original song of hers instead of a cover during the party, maybe it was due to the choice of lyrics? Also I'm predicting a later ep will have her screw up a test for drama. Looking forward to Miku ep, she seems like a promising character.
I can't believe they've been skimping on the cooking tutorials though, those were great. Is it because of runtime constraints?
It's time for Toei to try and make their staff work from home and see what comes out of it. The QUALITY would probably be Fresh-tier but if the writting is 10/10 then I wouldn't mind.
The recipes were getting ridiculousy complicated for those small segments, so they cut it altogether. Also yeah Aoi's a great girl, best Kira for me.
I guess i'll rewatch everything
except smile
smile is shit
Opposite for me, I enjoyed mepple more when the show stopped trying to justify his dickery and played up his ribbing of Nagisa. Porun just felt like a nuisance and being shoehorned into nearly every episode didn't help. He did have some decent moments though.
Shame, but probably could't be helped, shit was pretty fancy. Did they put the recipes elsewhere as extra material?
>not damenya
Aoi is pretty cool, she's my second favorite Kira. Who's your first favorite?
So far it's Ichika>Aoi>Himari/Akira>Yukari. I just find rabbit incredibly cute for some reason.
blame the shitty japanese comedy
Iirc all the recipes are in Kira's webpage. I think they were translated at one point but I didn't saved them.
Mepple is bad but not THAT bad.
He's literally the worst fairy in existence. Coco and Nuts are gigaCHADs compared to this piece of shit,
> make a Precure season about fighting virus-based enemies
> get cancelled by a virus pandemic
>Did they put the recipes elsewhere as extra material
A few were translated but I don't have the link to them anymore.
>He's literally the worst fairy in existence
Poor and innocent soul, he doesn't know...
She might still feel like the Misato song that inspired her still says the most about her, I guess. She has another character song later, too. It's awesome.
cocko nuts milk in tight jc pussy
My favorite is Himari but I really like bunny too. The Kira cures are some of the cutest cures.
For those of you who are planning to watch one of the older Precure seasons, let me help you out. I've seen every episode of Precure (and all the movies) so I think I can offer a pretty fair assessment of which ones you should watch and which you should avoid.
>S Tier: Hugtto!, Heartcatch
>A Tier: Smile, HappinessCharge
>B Tier: Fresh, GoPri, Doki
>C Tier: Suite, Yes5,
>D Tier: Futari, KiraKira
>E Tier: Max Heart, Yes5GoGo, Star Twinkle
>F Tier: Mahou Tsukai, SplashStar
my whole life has been a lie
D-Does this mean the pathogerms won? Are the Healin' Good Precure dead...?
have a (You), made me reply
Wow i've never seen this post before, so funny! Can't wait to show all my friends on twitter!
out of context, that sounds like something a serial killer would say