Today is Gabriels birthday please say something nice about this cute angel
Happy Birthday Gabriel
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It's also Hitler's birthday today, did you know?
Gabriel is more important!
dumb angel
No I mean perhaps there's some connection.
I'm going to ruin this angels birthday! That's what a true demon would do! Muhahaha!
Don't compare this cute Angel to Hitler user she's just lazy not a mass murderer
She has nice panties
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My name is Gabriel too, but my birthday was 11 days ago :,(
Smelly Gab pantsu
My wife and her friends went over to celebrate, but gabu isn't amused
she is cute and flat!!
Imagine the smell
Thanks for making all the other Gabus exist.
imagine the cuddles
She probably hasn't showered in over a week
why wear pantsu at all while she's at home? she should take the nopan pill
Pantsu is cute.
She must remain pure like a proper angel!
She is a beauty! A national treasure.
Explain this please
I'd rather cuddle with her sister.
Happy birthday, inferior Gabu.
Gabu probably doesn't even celebrate her own birthday until Vigne breaks into her home and forces her to.
>same birthday
literally me
Angel Gabu > Vampire Gabu
You didn't even post her in her birthday suit.
How is this bitch so fucking sexy?