What the fuck. This shit makes me want to procreate and raise a well mannered, adorable child. Is this it...

What the fuck. This shit makes me want to procreate and raise a well mannered, adorable child. Is this it? Have I fallen for Abe's propaganda?

Attached: Cute.jpg (1660x1720, 231.46K)

Didnt they get married


Attached: fzr1.png (350x376, 90.45K)

STOP. You'll only create a cycle of well intentioned fathering then daughter fucking.

Yes, and?

>Didnt they get married
Pickled the fuck up

They're lovers

He almost fucks her to death

>Have I fallen for Abe's propaganda?
You have if you've forgotten there's an equal chance it'll be a boy, and therefore any moments like this wouldn't be cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] UchiMusume - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.40_[2019.07.04_19.50.18].jpg (1280x1361, 336.88K)

Reminder that she's the one that groomed him.

>having a daughter
hits pipe

>he doesn't know

What's the first word on that book cover?
I can decipher "picture book", but the first one isn't clear. Is it "verbal"?

*hits pipe*

He fucks his daughter in the end. Standard procedure for daughter raising manga since Usagi Drop.

But what the point? Isekaifags don't have to reproduct.

I blame the marketing

I blame sexy daughters.

Yes, they absolutely get married.

More like
>*lays pipe*

Have you watch/read clannad?

Attached: ushioup.jpg (960x720, 90.37K)

Attached: papa husband daughter.jpg (3600x2658, 3.81M)

Clannad isn't a good example. True love in the real world won't turn back time.

By the holy light, this is extremely based.

Unbelievably based.

are they related? ngl raising ur future wife sounds kinda based but if she is also your bio daughter then its just not right.`

By the holy light, this is extremely gay.

>Okamoto is a lolicon again
What did his agency mean by this

Volume 9 cover

Attached: USEy66C.jpg (1837x2700, 1.24M)

>You have if you've forgotten there's an equal chance it'll be a boy, and therefore any moments like this wouldn't be cute.
Little boys are actually cute as fuck and when they grow up they don't degrade nearly as much as daughters who all turn into bitches and whores.

>raise a well mannered, adorable child
ha ha, fooled you. Roll the dice wrong, and you'll get a sperg that will make the rest of your life a living hell.

Fuck shit life. The only winning move is to not play.