Why do childhood friends always lose?
Why do childhood friends always lose?
nice girls finish last, that's why
It's the rule
If they had a chance they'd have won before the story started.
She won in My Darling's Embrace, the only piece of Steins;Gate media that matters.
because child friends aren't interesting, they usually are:
>always liked MC-kun and supported him
>don't need much explained about them
>they like MC just because
and thus can't carry a series for that reason, see s;g0.
Only S;G0 matters because it had Maho
Maho is literal shit.
Because they deserve to.
Don't speak to me or my husband's daughter ever again.
This can be interpreted both ways which makes it even better. Also childhood friends is a meme to begin with nowadays
I loved her route in Darlings Embrace. You could tell the writers really gave her route their full attention.
>Why do childhood friends always l-
Robo Mayushii made me feel so sad when Rintaro realized what it was for.
Basically this. The girl that jumps in at the beginning of the series and kicks off the story will always be the one to win.
Because they spent years pining for the MC to make a move on them and then acting shocked when someone else horns in after they never stake a claim. They expect the MC to notice them or wait for them but never do anything to earn it even when there's a ticking bomb ready to go off. It's not a good lesson.
That’s true :( But it worked out in the end
Definitely the best route in the game
Darling sequel when?
The blonde ran away?
>Why do childhood friends always lose?
>dense MCs that never notice that the friend likes him
>shy friends that never TRY to win the MC and just hope that they'll get asked out instead of asking the dense motherfucker out
>friends are both awkward autists and a series of misunderstandings make them drift apart
like all art it imitates real life
She was murdered. Police are still investigating who killed her.
I think it's cause it wouldn't be much of a story. Let's say the MC and childhood friend have actively been friends their whole lives and the childhood friend is already in love with them. Then the MC will remain stagnant as they won't or don't really have to develop much in the story. Compare that to if a new girl comes then MC might have to change as a person or to better themselves to attract the new girl. Plus their introduction, how they meet, how they became close is a huge chunk of the story itself. Childhood friends kinda lock themselves out of that unless you spend a lot of time in flashbacks and even then it loses the tension cause you already know they'll work out. It's probably also why if they do win, they were either childhood friends that were separated or the childhood friend had a huge appearance shift since they grew up. That's just my opinion though.
Childhood friend is the boring safe choice soicety tells you you're supposed to go for. It's literally the modern equivalent of arranged marriage from older works.
It's quite simple, really. Childhood friend introduces conflict, pushes the (main) romantic interest to go for the MC and is a rival.
>childhood friend
>met for 10 minutes 5 years ago
sasuga... so this is power of braindamaged 4fags...
Apologize now!
They win when they deserve it.
Apologize for what? The truth?
>liking someone for no reason other than having known him a long time and being comfortable around him is bad
It's the most realistic way for people to fall in love tho
Childhood friends are only good as a cumdump.
Is this the female version of a cuck.
Man rejects you, has a child with another woman.
She leaves the picture and now youre the one looking
after another woman's child.
More like passed away
Is this in English?
It's like a delayed harem situation. Again, women can't really be cucked
It would be cuckquean.
Because they do in real life.
God, we need more manga where the girl gets cheated.
She's not a childhood friend though. They met only once and spent like half a day together.
This is pretty much why from an objective point of view, but that won't stop everyone here from wanting the childhood friend meme (myself included).
She ded
I've never understood the crush on a childhood friend trope. If two people have known each other for that long, they would've gone out eventually for better or worse.
I get schadenfreude from it.
Oh, a Tachibana Roku manga.
How does it end? Keep posting.
I read the first few chapters then kinda forgot about it.