Alright Yas Forumsmigos, give it to me straight. Why is Madoka Magica's story so shit?

Alright Yas Forumsmigos, give it to me straight. Why is Madoka Magica's story so shit?

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I want to sniff Sayaka's panties

gal and dino does time travel better

Urobutcher can’t write.

The show got popular

The characters aren't particularly interesting.

Like John Wicks World the Madoka world gets more stupid and logistically improbable the more they explain and add shit. At least John Wick has escalating action

I like it.

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Because of you.

>flat characters
>railroaded plot
>normies like it
Take your pick

it's otaku garbage

its not, you just have shit taste

but I liked it

lack of mami and nagisa

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>flat characters
t. cowtits lover

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Nice try /vg/, but Madoka Magica is still great and Magia Record is still shit.

t. didn't unerstand rebellion

You don't watch Madoka for the main story, you watch it for Sayaka and Kyouko subplot.

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KyouSaya is great and all, but HomuMado is OTP.

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>Yas Forumsmigos
Classic shounenigger spic that can't comprehend the masterpiece that is Madoka.

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Yes, the main & rebellion is shit so they focus on making Magirecord cute & autistic. Definitely an improvement

Madoka was so shit that even the original writer walked away from it.

Why Sayaka’s?

But it's the greatest story ever told?

It's the best time-traveling anime.

Ending was ex machina clusterfuck that made no sense
Her wish was so random and very anti climatic.
Third movie ending was way more climatic.

Because you're retarded

Lol spics love Madoka

>Sayaka and Kyouko subplot
Literally not a thing in the main series and only added in the meme movie. Go back to and kill yourself, people like you ruined Madoka.

She seems like the kind of girl that doesn't wipe properly.

I'm currently watching Cowboy Bebop and it's good but i'm honestly disappointed because of how much it was shilled as a masterpiece when it's mostly just bounty of the week (unless the masterpiece lies in the last few episodes, i'm on episode 20). Honestly feels like it's the Jojo of the 90's