This is undeniably the most boring JoJo ever animated. I didn't know it was possible to be more boring than Jonathan...

This is undeniably the most boring JoJo ever animated. I didn't know it was possible to be more boring than Jonathan, but here we are.
>bbbbut drugs...

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well maybe you should just shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself


i hate you

i thought bruno was the mc of part 5 at the end of it

He was


Giorno is easily the worst jojo. Gold Experience is also by far the worst written stand.

Jonathan wasn't even that bad. Jotaro was the worst Jojo.

>Badass gentleman man learns to punch vampires to death
>Street thug tricks ancient vampires into killing themselves
>Boring villain of the week with generic super powers
>Boring villain of the week with wacky super powers
>Italian gang war

Part 3 was just as boring as part 4. Part 3 is just more nostalgic because of muh dio.

nah that's part 3
>dude 50 episodes of filler with all the plot in the last three lmao
part 5 isn't good but at least stuff happens throughout

>gang war
what a retard


Jonathan > Joseph > Jotaro > dogshit > rest

part 3 is super overrated and part 4 is reddit inbound
part 5 is a gem compared to those

part 5 was the best so far (anime only) and Bruno Bucciarati was the best MC

Part 2 is kinda reddit too. Just go on the Jojo sub and ask what everyone's favorite Jojo is. There you go. Series peaks at part 6.

>"O MY RUBBER NEN" - The show
JoJo is not fun

Imagine being this in denial

Stop shitting on my favourite part right fucking now

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reddit also likes part 7 which is good. being reddit isn't because it's liked by it but because of the content, part 4 is easily the most reddit-pandering part ever with all those retarded catchphrases and cast.


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so we just call anything we don't like reddit now?

My brother

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So what makes part 3 and 4's villain of the week such a pain in the ass to get through? I'm only a third into part 5 but it's much more entertaining.

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Just like Koichi in Part 4

Based and trilogypilled

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Part 5 is the worst part with the worst cast and with the worst protagonist (if you can even call him that since he’s a background character for most of the show)

Part 3 has a seemingly endless amount of villains with literally no personality, or shitty personalities (it improves somewhat in the second half though).

Part 4's villains are typically as vile as part 3's with no real justification for it, and they usually end up abruptly changing personality and becoming friends by the end of their fights, which can leave a very sour taste in your mouth.

the thread has stopped

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The thread has begun to move again

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That was gay

that was fucking cool dude can you do it again?

Now? No, we've been doing it for ages.