Why doesn't she teach the rest of the crew how to read the stones just in case?
One Piece
I dont think anyone else of them really gives a shit
Maybe it takes years of studying and the others aren't interested in the slightest. She'll probably leave a rosetta stone for Momo though.
imagine teaching these speds a dead language
What did she think when luffy chewed up noah?
why doesn't Oda teach japanese for the western readers just in case?
That would imply that she's in danger and Luffy and the crew said nothing bad will happen to her.
the only one smart enough to learn it would probably be Chopper, and he's too busy
>guaranteed matchup vs kaido while the rest deal with fodder
I cant wait for the next chapter
>JobberSix revealed
>Kaidos son revealed
>BigMoms new outfit
>possible first clear view of the Numbers
>possible BigMomPirates vs BeastPirates banter
>no SH or samurai shit
Will this be the chapter that saves the Wano Arc?
Franky as well
>oh thank God, now that giant boat won't crush us and this entire island
Then she probably went and castrated Vander Decken.
I think she avoided looking at that and is still in denial about it
*Zoro's wife (male)
Franky is a brainlet and only clever with his hands
>>Kaidos son revealed
>he really thinks kaido's son wont be a silhouette for a year
>Made himself a cyborg which requires vast mechanical knowledge
Yeah he's smart
just copied a manual, and being tech savvy doesn't mean that you're good at studying a language
Vastly different skills, Robin would've died in Franky's place.
this is fucking stupid to me too because Oden knew how to read poneglyphs and Momo should too, i expect her teach him ancient language after SH crew find Raftel
but not only that, she really should make a book with instructions on how to learn this language in case something happens to her and Straw Hats so there is a chance someone else will learn the language and find one piece someday
im pretty sure robin will be kidnapped again by blackbeard pirates or someone else to make her translate shit
Zoro already rejected him.
>Copied a manual when on a boat all by himself, to which there were also 0 manuals
Skills are irrelevant, point is they both require high int
>just copied a manual
Where the fuck is the manual to make yourself a cyborg?
>m pretty sure robin will be kidnapped again by blackbeard pirates or someone else to make her translate shit
again? it's pudding's turn
How are pretty getting caught off guard if they have observation Haki?
She doesn't even look like Robin anymore. Her entire face structure changed.
Dr. Vegapunk's lab since that's what he does for a living.
she does
her nose is her signature feature
> both assuming BB who’s a confirmed history lover can’t read the stones
Aye all I’m saying is, BB has proven time and time again that’s he’s a highly intelligent person who isn’t meant to be underestimated. Watch how he can read them.
Pretty people don't use haki all the time.
She cute
I can see it happening
If the guy can figure out how to eat TWO devil fruits with even the gorosei saying that he's the first ever, I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow knows how to read the poneglyphs
My bad about the pretty. But aren’t they? We’ve seen plenty of people dodge
sneak attacks with no warning before.
Right! Cause I don’t see anyone else being kidnapped for that reason and oda has stated that he loves history. I just want to know his origins