Shield Hero What if:

If Melty had been Shield Hero Naofumi's first companion instead of Bitch. How would the story have played out?

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Impregnation, marriage and then drunken oyakodon within a month or two.

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>10 year age gap
Holy yikes

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Is she too old or something?

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Raphtalia dies in captivity from Naofumi no longer needing a slave.


Naofumi would probably end up being a lot weaker.

I mean, that's basically the oldest of Naofumi's romance options. Female writers are fucked in the head.
Longterm is that a bad end for the woirld or can Melty make up the difference now she's being fed levels in Naofumi's party?
You think so?

>10 year age gap
Just perfect.

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I mean, he's pretty much guranteed not to have the Shield of rage. Melty's presence would protect him form the worst of her father since he wouldn't want her in harms way. This would however put the church on them sooner and Bitch would be an ever present threat.

He would go through a lot less struggle which made him stronger in the first place. Just look at the other 3 heroes.

>only 10 years
normie enjoy 9700 years of age gap

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Glass kills everyone
Kyo causes that world to 404

Bitch will find a way to kill Melty and incriminate Naofumi, 2 birds in 1 stone.

lots of children

This show was pure garbage, a complete waste of time

unlikely, Melty and the Queen know that Bitch is a piece of shit and so would probably alert Naofumi and advice him not to trust her or anything she says

>Bitch will find a way to kill Melty and incriminate Naofumi, 2 birds in 1 stone.
I could see that, early game Naofumi isn't nearly paranoid enough to save her.

Idk, Bitch still managed to pull one on Melty with the church troops.

He dies. Naofumi wins in the end due to the sheer amount of luck required to run into every single power up possible while not having to deal with every trap the other heroes did thanks to being ostracized.

I mean, the King and church would still be doing everything in their power to fuck him over.

Then again if we take the Spear hero LN/WN then I guess you're right.

Trash would be more subdued because of Melty.

Won't he still run into most of the powerups since he doesn't have the background of this being his favorite game? Or was that Anime/Manga only?

Just now I noticed shield bro added the volume 17 and 18 to the resources page

>Just now I noticed shield bro added the volume 17 and 18 to the resources page
Where's that?

the other 3 were cunts right out the gate though

>the other 3 were cunts right out the gate though
tbf Naofumi is like the only one that didn't die to get there, unless the building he was in had a catastrophic gas leak.

Why would he need to resort to being a travelling anonymous merchant and slaver to meet at a majority of the people he needed to meet to learn powerups when he has the next in line for the throne personally financing and accompanying him?

Fair enough.

>We will never get a Bofuri/Shield Hero crossover
Why even defend?

I thought they already announced a crossover game? Maybe someone has the image saved.

Oh, this is a thing. Though having checked, Tower Defense isn't really my jam so I'm disappointed.

Oh, I don’t know much about how the gameplay will be.

I dunno bout him but I'd kill myself if I was stuck with a pane of glass chested genetic failure like her

Fuck you faggot. DFC and little girls are the best. Kill yourself unironically.

a lot of this, id imagine

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High IQ.