>cute gyrau will never fall for you for your passion for a niche hobby
why even live lads
Cute gyrau will never fall for you for your passion for a niche hobby
Kitagawa makes the gyaru cut
new chapter when?
She's literally perfect.
>why even live lads
to dedicate yourself to your niche hobby
Do you even have a niche hobby, faggot?
Marin a best
that's the most basic bitch hobby
It's still embarrassing to talk about it.
My boy Gojou got some big ass hands.
Female artist so the yaoi hands are mandatory
fucking this
reject modernity
embrace Norwegian stamp collecting
what's the hobby in this series?
Making cosplay clothes
that's a yikes from me
Making weird Japanese dolls and then making cosplay clothes.
Why do some fags feel the need to add their shitty normalfag jokes to their translations? I'm never gonna understand
I don't even know the name of this manga, but she is really, really beautiful. Easily the best design of a girl seen recently with teen Shinobu by Oh Great!
Read it
>name of this manga
Sono Bisque Doll something something
Thanks, but actually i came here just for the OP pic. Well, lately i could pick it up tho.
I made a research to confirm my thought. Damn, her design is gorgeous
>tongue piercing
what a slut
Why do they like hands so much.
She's pretty cool.
You have to find something you are truly passionate about to achieve happiness.
Big manly strong hands get the girls wet
If we accept the theory that Women only ever do things to attract attention. what can we learn from their fashion culture and accessories?
>tfw small hands
What are Gojou's big hands for?