Le deus ex machina to save incompetent 12yos

>le deus ex machina to save incompetent 12yos
how is this rated so highly?

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I don't think you're using that word right.

Same reason Promare is.

That's literally the set up of the story. I don't think you know what deus ex machina means.

>so highly
Nice backgrounds, really developed world with unique flora and fauna, naked lolis, furryshit

>naked lolis
not in the obviously inferior anime version


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Backgrounds are nearly Nihei level good

It's made abundantly clear that nanachi often took injured delvers back to her lair hoping to find a way to kill mitty. She would've done the same for riko, but took pitty on her due to reg.

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Because it's so dark but the characters are cutesy. Duality of man amirite

Daily bait post

>Deus Ex Machina
what Deus Ex Machina?

this story ends in death.

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Is reg a god machine? He just grapples around and has laser gun.

I know it is a bait, but I am still surprised to see that most people don't realize that the actual story protagonist is Reg.
I mean, Riko is just a plot device to set up his journey. Her character development is quite small compared to his. All main decisions in the story are done by him, not by Riko or Nanachi. In fact, latter two are there to develop his character in the journey. Yet
>I saw girl first, she MC
>just because she is an apparent leader she is MC
She fucking isn't. It is Reg's story.

Because true chads rate series on their positive aspects and don't retardedly nitpick insignificant inconsistencies since they don't detract from the quality of the series in any way

He can do laundry, so it makes him sufficient washing machine.

So she’s pretty much Bondrewd 2.0?


It gets better: they hint all over the goddamn place that Riko has what it takes to really be the villain.

If her mother isn't the final boss, she will be.

they're probably shounenshitters that automatically think likes food + noisy = MC

The main appeals are the cunny and the willy

>whole point of going into the big death hole is finding the rare deux ex machinas

the story follows the classical trope of adults bad childs good, riko cannot be a villian in any sense; also reg probably is just rikos dad in some reincarnated form.


you know there can be two protagonists right?
riko is literally the driving force for so many decisions and emotions, she is rightfully the main protagonist, and her development is more subdued but still existent.
the two's fates are obviously entertwined I don't know why you'd claim just one to be "the protagonist"

Exactly because of that deus ex machina. Manga was about to get axed but got saved by Nanachi. Nanachi rescued not just 12yos but also the very manga.

>the story follows the classical trope of adults bad childs good

What? No it doesn't? Some adults are bad but i'd say we've seen more good than evil ones.


>Riko andReg become separated before she finds Lyza
>Lyza corrupts Riko because she is the most evil white whistle
>Riko returns as an antagonist many years later that Reg must defeat

>nanachi tortured children and put down adults
>faputa is slaughtering a village
>reg/riko have each killed a man
>ryza got teen pregnant and abandoned her daughter
i wouldn't say the kids have their hands clean

haha scientific triumph go brrr

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haha elevator go wheee

Riko is MC with Reg and latter maby even Nanachi.
>Her character development is quite small compared to his
yes, but we meet Riko as Riko and when Reg is introduced he is just random robot/relict who lost his memory so his development must be faster compared to girl who was learning and dreaming about abbys for 12 years