Satoko Hojo!

Satoko Hojo!

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Rika a BEST

Her uncle did nothing wrong.

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God I wish I were K1

Her doctor will be visited by Chris Hansen.

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The scene where she gets rekt with a chair is the best thing in the entire franchise.


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I like her slight boobage

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Imagine punching her in the face


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What the hell man, Satoko's tits are so big in the VN

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Kinda random and out of left field. Is Meryl from Rose Guns Days the Satoko or Takano Expy? I mean I know her family name is tanashi but it never hurts to ask stupid questions. Right?

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those feet need to be bred

How will it feel to have your younger sister act more like a man than you?

Obviously I am talking about Satoshi.

Where do I find friends like this? The VN really hit me in the feels

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Based OP. Rika has too many threads, her cuter friend should have some from time to time.

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Imagine pulling her snaggletooth out

Was she unpopular in 2000s Yas Forums?

Satoko murdered her parent
then caused her uncle to die too
also her nii-nii

what a unlucky child.

Don't forget being constantly killed by your nee-nee

That sucks

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I hope the sextoko jokes return once the remake airs.

I feel an urge to beat her up

It's only natural to want to hurt Satoko and watch her suffer.

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I need Watanabe Akio's nude Satoko.
I need Watanabe Akio's nude Satoko.

I need Watanabe Akio's nude Satoko.
I need Watanabe Akio's nude Satoko.


What about those who want to protect her?

Post the Rika pasta.

More like Shittoko. Her only purpose is to get raped.

Even the people who want to protect Satoko secretly want to hurt her.

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No, post Satoko's panties taking the shot.

How experienced do you think Rikka is? She must have fucked Akasaka in a few timelines at least.

She's very cute!

Well, I am a weirdo