Post anime setups
Post anime setups
Just stick a HDMI cable in the back
Yas Forums thinkpad thread?
>iToddler file name
>use desktop to browse 4channel
>use phone as camera and post image from phone
>tfw dell
Thinkpad masterrace
sometimes you're okay, anonymouse
Replace your trackpad user
Still debating if I want to do that or not, I replaced the screen with a FHD and the CPU with an I7-4810MQ and it has been serving me well so far.
Come home, white men.
Install Gentoo
>old computer good, new computer bad
Understandable, I heard that drivers are a bit finnicky when you replace it
>botnet hardware backdoor spyware nsa surveillance bad-build-quality good
New computers are spying devices for the murican and chinese governments
Just get t420 or something and install linux
Yeah as long as I have no problems with this touchpad. I also have the bios unlocked, so I can replace the Intel wlan card.
Used to have one of those, if I was gonna get a secondary Thinkpad for *nix I would go with a x230 or x220.
/g/ has found a Thread with thinkpads outside of /g/
/g/ and Yas Forums are boards with one thing in common: anime girls
Virginity, more like.
>tfw my waifu is both /g/ and /p/
>not having dedicated room for anime
so you all are actually poorfags, huh
>t. normalfag
Haven't you treasured your virginity for marriage?
I'm saving it for death.
I want /g/ to go and stay go
Anyone here with a gaming PC that is now exclusively an anime watching/shitposting station?
€1300 well spent.
why does your wall have holes?
>voluntary celibacy
I salute you user
Not everyone has the guts to overcome his carnal desires
GTFO windowscuck
Previous tenant wall mounted his TV and was such a poorfag that he took his $20 TV mount when he moved out, did the same thing in the bedroom too
Glad I'm out of that place now
Damn, I haven't seen one of those since like 2009.
And they still hold up perfectly in this day and age, they are one of the most sturdiest laptops.
Do people actually watch anime on laptops or is this just a crossboard meme thread
Those are not even the best, they are *30+ models.
The last actually good thinkpads were the ones with the old keyboard. Lenovo fucked up bad
I watch. It's comfy to lay on your bed with the laptop
oh well at least it was worthy investment for the first 4 years into my NEET lifestyle.
I remember when these threads were Nexus 7 threads. I actually got one to watch mango and read anime on.