
We all know Archetype:Earth is a powerful character in Nasuverse but with the whole strong/weak Human Order worldlines, does she still exist in Fate worlds? And if yes, is she still as strong as her Tsukihime counterpart?

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I need a Type-Moon (Fate) to English dictionary... At least to Japanese.

TAs exist but it's indicated that neither Arc nor any other copy of CMB was created.
Gaia doesn't really do much in the Fate worldlines.

Try tmdict?

She exists in Fate/Extra. Other timelines is yet unknown.
Per her appearance in Extra, she's just as strong. It remains to be clarified just how powerful an Ultimate One still is compared to Beasts and Grands and True Gods and True Demons and etc. etc., but if LB5.2 is anything to imply, they have the strongest saint graphs on planet earth, so they're still fuckin' strong.

I want to go on a romantic date with Arc.

>Nasu: The world of Part 2 is bleached white, so there are no other characters besides Sion, but even if [Tsukihime] characters were to exist in the [Fate] world, more than half of them would be completely different characters. Arcueid would be the same, but Akiha and Shiki probably wouldn’t come to Chaldea. It’s just that Ciel or Arcueid are able to fight even if their character settings are changed, so it’s easy to fit them into the story and have them fight. Even so, I don’t think the Fate and Tsukihime worlds would be involved.
She does exist in Fate and is as powerful as in Tsukihime

>She exists in Fate/Extra.
Isn't it just fanservice according to Nasu?

No. While it appears that True Ancestors do exist to some extent, Arcueid herself was never created.

She doesn't. Nasu said in an interview that Arcueid can't actually exist in the EXTRA world and that if she did, everything would get completely fucked up. It's just fanservice he added in.

No, she doesn't. He said even IF Tsukihime characters were to exist in the Fate world, that doesn't mean she does. While True Ancestors do appear to exist in Fate, Arcueid herself probably doesn't.

>Isn't it just fanservice according to Nasu?
>She doesn't. Nasu said in an interview that Arcueid can't actually exist in the EXTRA world and that if she did, everything would get completely fucked up.
Out of context, anons. I wasn't talking about her actual appearance as White Berserker, which was just fanservice. Nasu said she actually exists there anyway.
From Type-Moon Fes Q&A
>Q: Is there any relationship between the Moon Cell and the Crimson Moon? Does the Moon Cell exist in universes outside of EXTRA?
>A: Moon cell is something that is only in EXTRA, and it does not have anything to do with the Crimson Moon. However, in the world of EXTRA, the "Brain of the Planet" who is equivalent to the Crimson Moon should still be living somewhere.
She's still around.

The closest we get to a True Ancestor on the Fate side of things is Consort Yu. Something about the Human Order just doesn't let any bloodsucker above DAA exist, which makes the EXTRA timeline divergence being the Aylesbury Ritual really odd.

Also, Zel showing up.

Did that fucker show up in GO?

>which makes the EXTRA timeline divergence being the Aylesbury Ritual really odd
That's because it wasn't, user.
That was a famous fanon we've had for years, but the divergence was actually fucking Marisbilly trying to start up Chaldeas too early.

>We all know Archetype:Earth is a powerful character in Nasuverse

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Regarding the ritual in Fate/Extra and Overcount 1999:
TM 10th Anniversary Q&A
>Q: What is the reason of the Mana depletion in the world of Extra?
>A: Gonna leak you some info. It is the "what if scenario" caused by a "certain ritual" that occurred in the 1970's. This ritual is not expected to happen until the year 20XX.

Fate/Extra material - Mana Depletion
>Overcount 1999
>In 1970 a ritual was performed in a rural city in England. This ritual set off the depletion of the Earth’s magic that filled the atmosphere.
>This also caused movement in the Earth’s crust of planetary proportions that caused a shift in the poles; later to be known as The Great Collapse.
>Despite having overcome two periods of great decline in the past, one at the end of the Age of Gods, and one at the beginning of the Christian calendar, with this event, magecraft finally became a fairy tale of the past.
>In the world of EXTRA, the only remaining old world magus are the alchemists of the Atlas Institute in Egypt.

Fate/Extra Last Encore
>Twice pointed at Leo and accused Western magi as the cause for mana depletion.

Fate/Extra Last Encore official website [world/word] section - Overcount 1999
>A mysterious phase, mentioned by Twice.
>Per a desicive depletion of resources, the era where began the decline of mankind.
>Its cause is unclear.
>The resources of the Earth, theoretically beyond the consumption of mankind, came to depletion; the power for life to be sustained in the world has been lost.
>Upon its Core -- what could be called its very soul -- did the Earth sustain damage; or so he stated, but...
Basically mana depletion happened because the Earth's soul got damaged for unknown reason

Fate/Extra Last Encore Your Score
>CHECK: The name is XXXXXX. That is the cause of the stagnation of human history in Extra world.

...Disregard that, I suck cocks. I read that as "the most powerful character in Nasuverse". I need to get breakfast.

Joke's on him then, it’s because of that we have BB, the ultimate counter to any Avengers he might throw at us

She's not.

>Taiga: "Within the works of TYPE-MOON, even though the world setting is shared between stories, is it true that the Mooncell is unique to the world of EXTRA?"
>Sakura: "Yes, it doesn't exist in other worlds. You could say that it's something of a "what-if" type of world. To begin with, if the Mooncell did exist, then Tsukihime, which shares the world setting would completely collapse!"
>Saber: "Mu? I could have sworn that a Tsukihime character appeared within the game, though. Was that merely an illusion?"
>Sakura: "It wasn't an illusion, but the Human History that Tsukihime exists in has no connection [to this world]. To be blunt, it's just fanservice."

To begin with, the Mooncell isn't a natural celestial body so it wouldn't have an Ultimate One in the first place. And without the Crimson Moon, you can't have True Ancestors.

It wasn't the Aylesbury Ritual. It was a ritual started up by magi. The Wandering Sea was involved, as well as a certain Marisbury Animusphere. Everything that went wrong in the world of EXTRA was his fault.

>She's not.
Your cart's before your horse, user. Read what was actually written there. Sakura was not saying Arcueid does not exist in Extra, but that the Moon Cell does not exist in Tsukihime.
Not to mention she bluntly says "it wasn't an illusion".
Once again; Arcueid does exist in Extra.

What part of "it's just fanservice" do you not understand? The Crimson Moon doesn't exist in EXTRA, ergo Arcueid can't exist.

Something else to keep in mind is that one of the divergences between the Fate worlds and the Tsukihime worlds is that in the Fate worlds, a "certain meeting" never occurred and Roa never gained the power to become the Serpant of Akasha. That meeting was clearly the moment where Arcueid drank Roa's blood and turned him into a Dead Apostle.

What part of "it wasn't an illusion" do you not understand? Her appearing was fanservice. she has nothing to do with the story, nor does she really matter to any characters except Gatou.
>The Crimson Moon doesn't exist in EXTRA, ergo Arcueid can't exist.
No correlation found. Nasu expressly said otherwise.

Her appearance being fanservice doesn't mean it's non-canon, ya absolute git.

The two dozen DAAs shift the power balance too much, they can't exist in any Fate, there's no way some wouldn't get involved at least once in the story.

I feel like FGO is headed towards an Overcount 1999/Notes world. Didn’t Nasu say the end of part 2 would be bitter sweet or something?

Ever since Zelretch's shit appeared in Heaven's Feel, Fate was already tied to Tsukihime.

Nasu said that "the brain of the planet" exists somewhere, but that isn't necessarily Arcueid. Stop being so thick.

The Mooncell isn't a natural celestial body, ergo it can't have an Ultimate One. Without the Crimson Moon, True Ancestors can't be created. Without True Ancestors, Arcueid can't be created. Whoever this "brain of the planet" is, it must have been created by an alternative means.

All Nasu has said is he wants to do something really sudden and dramatic for part 2's conclusion that may surprise the players.
The specific comparison he used was Undertale's Genocide ending which kicked the player out and killed the program. But something that extreme is unlikely.

Zelretch is a dimensional traveler you dingus.

They exist but they're significantly weaker and don't necessarily have the same motivations and goals.

>Nasu said that "the brain of the planet" exists somewhere, but that isn't necessarily Arcueid. Stop being so thick.
Nigga that is LITERALLY Arc's title and if you think it means someone else you have no idea what this setting is.
>The Mooncell isn't a natural celestial body, ergo it can't have an Ultimate One
The Moon Cell IS the ultimate one. Nasu expressly called it an "ownerless Type-Moon that reads the planet".
But even then, there's numerous other ways for a True Ancestor to be, or Arcueid herself to breach dimensions as she's done before (read the second Melty Blood manga).

If archetype earth exists in fgo why didn't she stop the alien God nuking the planet, or goetia for that matter.

Chaldeas (Other)

A miniature model of the Earth's environment. A mystic code that copies the Earth's soul.

One of the twelve branches of the Clock Tower, the Animusphere of "Celestial Bodies" are constantly pursuing this hypothesis.

Assuming the planet has a "soul" and copies "another Earth's data" that it has a virtual operation in a hundred years' time.

After the launch of Marisbilly Animusphere, Chaldeans ensure the so-called "civilization will continue in a hundred years later" by observing the Earth model.

A high-density intelligence collection with mass, it is said that matter is different from its bit because it is not accessible.

Although the Animusphere could not produce "the exact same existence as the Earth" from scratch, they thought it would be possible to copy and put its soul into practice.

Of course, even if the copy is successful, the contents of the document can not be parsed, but what's important is the "copy document" layer.

There is no need to analyze the content just for the sake of operation. The Animusphere launched the replica Earth soul without opening the content, using it only as a simulation device a hundred years after the observation. As a result, it's said that once it is stopped, it's impossible to start again. After all, no one knows the structure of its contents.

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>A:E appears and rewrites the FGO world
Do it Nasu. Fucking do it.

Not that user, but Silicon-chan in Tsuki no Sango is also called "Brain of the Planet" 星の頭脳体

It's implied that what happens to the Common Sense of Man has no real impact on the Reverse Side or Gaia for that matter, hence Merlin being unaffected by Goetia's actions. If it doesn't affect it there's no reason for Gaia's Counterforce to take action.

He's also a Dead Apostle. DA's and Tsukihime are inextricably. Hell, I believe even the case files of El Melloi had that forest DA appear. Fate and Tsukihime universe are basically the same.

>Chaldea is a copy of earths soul
>Beast Olga is Chaldea
What does it all mean

>Nigga that is LITERALLY Arc's title and if you think it means someone else you have no idea what this setting is.
It's possible for another to have that title if the history of the planet diverges enough. And in fact, there IS another who has that title. See: Tsuki no Sango.

Let me explain something to you, and let's hope you can understand this properly this time: The world of Fate/EXTRA is fundamentally at odds with the world of Tsukihime. You understand this much, yes? It means that the events of Tsukihime CANNOT HAPPEN in the history of Fate/EXTRA. And let's just quote the original text once more, just to make sure:
>To begin with, if the Mooncell did exist, then Tsukihime, which shares that world setting, would completely collapse!
So, again, this proves that Tsukihime cannot happen in Fate/EXTRA. Now that we've established this, let's move on.

ASSUMING that, purely hypothetically, Arcueid does exist but the setting of Fate/EXTRA still somehow disallows for the events of Tsukihime to happen, this does lead to the question: Why the fuck is Arcueid still the way she is? Remember, the reason Arcueid became the ditz she is now is because Shiki killed her, "breaking" her and giving her a function by accident. So what you're basically doing now is accepting that Tsukihime didn't happen, but maintaining that something that requires for Tsukihime to have happened to exist still exists.

>But even then, there's numerous other ways for a True Ancestor to be, or Arcueid herself to breach dimensions as she's done before (read the second Melty Blood manga).
All Arcueid did was hack herself into another terminal (another Arcueid). She didn't physically move herself into another timeline and there's no evidence to suggest he has that ability.