Come on, let's talk about something different for a change instead of just the same 10 anime every day

Come on, let's talk about something different for a change instead of just the same 10 anime every day.

Like...fuck it, how about a Monster Rancher thread?

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After many years of putting it off, I'm finally re-watching the series to pass the time during quarantine. Holy shit, how'd I miss how sexual Pixie is when I was kid?

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Hey, kid. Wanna /ss/?

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Have a bump, user. I don't really have anything of value to contribute, but at least this is a relatively creative thread, not just more of the same.

Remake this instead of digimon

Tried to find the rap on youtube to post but I couldn't find it.
Maybe someone with better google-fu can.

Guys, I have a confession to make. Holly has been my one and only waifu ever since I watched Monster Rancher when I was 9? Or something. She is the only girl I have ever loved, that I've truly wanted as my girlfriend, nothing 2d or 3d comes close. I even thought I had to give her up when I turned 18 because then I would be a pedo, but I still love her. Even now I struggle, especially since her IP is doomed to whored out for gacha because Konami are all incompetant retards. What do think, Yas Forums? Should I divorce my one and only waifu that I've had for 20 years?

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Can't. Koei Tecmo hates the franchise.

I remember watching this show on TV as a kid and liking it a lot, but the MC was annoying as fuck.

Do mean the English opening?

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That singer doesn't seem very excited

I thought he was cool because he would actually fight the monsters by roller blading up to them then dropkicking them, unlike in Digimon and Pokemon where the monsters did everything.

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Just pretend she's grown up along with you and the kid version is some kind of metaphor

Yeah, it was cool that he actually fought along with the monsters and did whatever useful stuff he was capable of, I just don't usually like genki-type personalities.


You were probably under 10 years old and didn't care, like I was. Also Holly is the only real waifu. Unfortunaetly, she has been my wife for 20 years, so you can't have her.

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Dude, his name is literally Genki. What were you expecting?

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Holy shit I forgot his name was Genki, for some reason I was sure he was called Tyson or something like that

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You're thinking of Beyblade

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i only barely remember the show but the card game on gameboy was one of my favorite games ever

Is this worth watching as a 22 year old?

I was like 9 and I knew she was pretty damn sexual

I was also gay so it made me uncomfortable more than anything

wasn't the ending rushed as fuck since they never found the phoenix disc?

>the phoenix was inside us all along
fuck this shit

Beyblade was goddamn kino. I don't give a fuck how ridiculous the premise is.


Pixie gave me my taste for sluts

They did find the Phoenix and then we got a tournament arc

Seriously I forgot about what pixie did to me psychologically as a child

God I wish I could get the dub on dvd.
This and Flint the Time Detective were fucking great.
Mon Coli Knights was ok but it jumped
around too much in the dub

Grey Wolf dying still makes me sad

don't forget there was another season after the ending.