See some jojo memes online

>see some jojo memes online
>make me laugh even though I don't know shit about it
>seems like an endless shitfest created solely for laughs and memes
>this guy dio seems to be funny as hell
>see some opinions online about jojo
>most of them say part 1 and part 2 are boring af, specially battle tendency; they say I can just skip to the middle of part 3
>decide to watch season 1 anyway, it's just 9 episodes after all
>fuck it's incredibly good, I really like it from episode 1
>keeps my interest until the ending, great first season; don't understand why people said it was so bad
>begin part 2 the next day
>it is as good as part 1, if not better; laugh my ass off watching it, like every character, even the bad guys
>the memes start to kick in with the pillar men and stroheim
>jesus christ this anime is amazing
>begin part 3
>stands are the gateway for the shitfest, yet, the story despite being even more unrealistic, holds itself together
>laugh as much as part 2, polnareff is incredibly funny
>part 3 ends with some asspulls but who cares, great anyway
>begin part 4
>abismal cunt who bitches about his hair is the main jojo
>art is shit, dogshit tier, wtf happened
>can't go past the first 5 minutes jotaro is not on the screen
>force myself to watch up to episode 3
>it's fucking terrible

why did this happen? what am I missing? I have the absolute opposite opinion on what I had read online regarding jojo, part 1 and part 2 are great, perhaps the peak of jojo is part 2. I actually think the show got worse with stands, even though I loved season 3(mainly because of the main cast and Dio), but part 4 is unbearable
is it because I'm not a teenager? I'm 24 and I only liked the first 3 parts.

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what's with all the posts about part 4 being bad as of recent?
a year ago or so everyone here seemed to like it

Part 4 is the worst part.

part 5 would like to have a word with you

Part 4 was my favorite

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I began to watch JoJo not even a week ago. I started part 4 yesterday and it fucking sucked
does it get better on part 5? giorno giovanna has an amazing soundtrack and is Dio's son, which is a good start

Part 4 is the worst part. You can skip it, I guess.

>giorno giovanna has an amazing soundtrack and is Dio's son, which is a good start
Giorno being Dio's son is never mentioned after the first two or three episodes so make of that what you will.

you mean Golden Filler?

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>does it get better on part 5?
Part 5 is filler
skip to Part 6

>>see some jojo memes online
>>make me laugh even though I don't know shit about it
stopped reading there. fuck yourself

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The anime adaptation doesn't do part 4 justice say for a few scenes.
I recommend reading the manga for part 4 and then going back to the anime for part 5.

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most manga readers never made it to part 4, which meant part 4 fags could claim it was the best part and nobody would disagree with them since nobody made it that far. Now that everyone has seen part 4 as an anime, most people realize it's not that good

araki did nothing with the giorno being dio's son
it has no effect on the story, which is part of why part 5 is so shit
golden wind of wasted opportunities

don't listen to this retard, the manga is unreadable

It's because you tried something new outside your comfort zone. JoJo is great fun but it still has a lot of flaws.
It has variety for each part for people enjoy JoJo for different reasons as well as enjoy some parts more than others.

that's... not good, it is the same feeling I had with Josuke; joseph's son yet a huge faggot
I hope the manga is short

if you have a room temperature IQ, that is

>most of them say part 1 and part 2 are boring af, specially battle tendency
No person alive thinks parts 2 is more boring than 1.

read Steel Ball Run, basically a new take on 1-3.

>high IQ
It's the Rick and Morty of anime, go fuck a meat hook

that's really disappointing
I guess I'll say farewell to JoJo then

Look, we get it. We are starved for something to discuss about JoJo. LARPing that Part 4 is bad is not the way.

>what did you say about my hair

Part 4 is horrible.

I just remember in part 1 Jonathan fought some literal who to the story and was all like, "I'm so sorry about your backstory, goodbye my friend." Most uncompelling shit ever. I don't know how people can enjoy part 1, as half the stuff is introduced too quickly to empathize with in any way.

anime-only jojofags are like this for every consecutive part. when part 1 finished airing and part 2 (though they were part of the same anime) started, people said part 1 was shit. then part 2 was shit because it didn't have stands and had notable asspulls (though joseph was SO COOL). then part 3 became shit because of the formulaic structure, the fucking retarded humor, and the boring characters. then part 4 became shit because of slice of life shenanigans and EVERYONE BEING GAY UGH. once part 6 comes out they will say part 5 is shit because everyone is generic and essentially a rehash of part 3 (ignore the artists who think there's a deeper theme in part 5 compared to the prior parts, it's still bad). then part 7 will come out and part 6 will be dismissed as tranny shit or whatever. it's how it goes, anime-only jojofags have legitimately no taste, and are the closest you'll find to what people call ironic weebs.


i concur with or rather read the manga for both parts 4 & 5 since they are better than the anime adaptions and both parts are basically filler. You could also just skip to part 7

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Jojo is absolute trash

Part 4 was experimental and Araki didn't have a concrete goal with it. He at least had a vague idea with the first 3 parts, but part 4 was a complete(ly enjoyable) mess.

>most manga readers never made it to part 4

yea this autist doesn’t know what he’s talking about