Why do people still watch anime when the original content (visual novels or manga) is always vastly superior?

Why do people still watch anime when the original content (visual novels or manga) is always vastly superior?

Take for instance: Utawarerumono

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Reading is for faggots

shut up faggot

But you read subs anyways you giant cockmongling retard

There are moving pictures in vn's (sometimes) and flashy lights.

And you're a nigger.

nice trips

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The Grisaia anime adaption is one of the few which wasn't that bad, but it isn't excuse to read the ORIGINAL FORMAT.

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Imagine watching the Fate/Stay Night adaptations and missing all those important details because "haha lancer go shinda" is more important than the carefully crafted story from the VN

>implying he's not a dubfag

Fools who read subs < CHADS who read moving pictures. Eroge is better coom material then even the best ecchi garbage anime out there.

Check name field if you want to chat more about /vn/'s

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>the original content (visual novels or manga) is always vastly superior

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VNs can give 3 anime seasons in one game. Pretty good when I feel like actually consuming content

Nakige. A popular subgenre of visual novels is the nakige (泣きゲー, "crying game"), which, as opposed to utsuge (鬱ゲー, "depressing game"), still usually has a happy ending.

Lots of anime has poor pacing issues aswell with excessive use of filler, but the same can be said about visual novels afaik.

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Whats your favorite vn, Yas Forums

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If both are good then you have more to enjoy.


Why do people still make this thread when we've had it five million times and everyone knows all the answers it'll get? Oh, right - bait.

Not all anime are adaptations. Not all adaptations are bad.

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No, user, you heard OP, his word is law. K-On's manga is vastly superior to the anime, no ifs ands or buts.

>is always vastly superior
Only if you have equal preference for the formats, that story elements may be better executed for example but if someone likes animation but does not like VNs then of coarse they will choose the anime.

Only if you're reading a bloated mess that hardly anybody would even bother with if they knew how long it was beforehand.

>visual novel
fuck off zoomer
they're called hentai games.
i bet you and your pretentious faggot online friends say you """""read""""" them too.

They are not hentai games, lots of visual novels dont even have any adult content in them.

>They never brought that faggot to a world of ecstasy
It's not fair.

Thanks for another example of what OP said

What happened in a world of ecstasy

>K-On's manga is vastly superior to the anime

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>mfw haku dies
will they get a new voice actor to replace him or is the mask of truth anime canceled?

>isn't bad
what the fuck are you on? I don't even read the VN but I know they adapted an entire fucking route in one episode