Mawaru Penguindrum

What the fuck is going on

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You ~did~ watch Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985) before starting this, OP. Right? Right??

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Hello dear user,
Let me tell you about my experience with the anime in question.

It's shit. It's literally shit. A prime example of one of the cliches of anime, everything has to be DEEP.
The kind of DEEP that you bare witness to and are so befuddled by it that you start wondering if you're actually an idiot.
But then you step back and look around the web and try to find some meaning behind the piece of fiction you just dumped several hours into, maybe even go back and re watch it or key pieces of it and you find that no you're not an idiot. It's just that what you just watched was an actual piece of shit.
Pure, homogenized shit straight from a horse's ass.
So no OP, I did not enjoy Penguindrum.

And as for Ikuhara, FUCK YOU.

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Thank you user, you are wise

fucking KINO that's what

>start wondering if you're actually and idiot
But clearly you are user, did it take penguindrum for you to figure this out?

incest and lesbian rape

Stupid christnigger

penguindrum was the friends we made along the way

Overly complex anime wrapped in DEEP and drama, you don't get it even if you watch it three times get over it
At least both opening are of superior quality and SEIZON SENRYAKU so I don't mind that much

Fate's a bitch but you don't have to be.

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Shhh... No questions
ikuhara is happening

Art is going on, user. Enjoy it.
Man, that show really hit me, I don't even know why.

Finished it yesterday, can confirm
The ending made me choke up a little not gonna lie

You're not fitting in, user.

I understand your frustration with the cryptic nature of the show, it does require you have consumed a couple of films/books and understand at least superficially the subject matter that Ikuhara is working with. But once you have the context, I think it's a great show.

Oh gosh, I really must crush him soon...

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Rewatching the show won't help you. You need to read about the sarin gas attack and you need to have watched the film Night on the Galactic Railroad. You won't understand the show if you're not mindful of the visual vocabulary and the themes Ikuhara is drawing inspiration from. It is not the kind of anime that has teaches it's own meaning to the viewer.

I don't think Galactic railroad is essential to the story like the sarin gas attacks, but it does really help to have seen it before

Best Imouto

>post your dream house

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Fuck if I know, it was amusing for the first half but by the end everything was so metaphorical it was impossible to tell what was and was not actually happening.

it's better than yuri kuma arashi

It's essential, in my opinion. Not only because the callback is rather obvious but because it explains the full meaning of the penguindrum, otherwise you lose the metaphor of that symbol in favour of subjective applicability.

It's what happens when you mix weed and cocaine.


One boy gave an apple to the other defying fate. Then the boy who received the apple gave half of the half to defy fate.

They then gave the whole apple to the girls and the one boy took all the punishment required to defy fate and was burned away.

The Apple represents love.


Momoka did everything for shit and jiggles.

>, it does require you have consumed a couple of films/books and understand at least superficially the subject matter that Ikuhara is working with.
And what would those be?

The book about the sarin gas attacks is Underground