How do you decide which anime to watch next?

How do you decide which anime to watch next?

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I have a backlog (mental though, I don't write them down) and I just pick what I am in the mood for next.

i just google what’s on my mind at that moment and watch it, if i don’t like it i will repeat the process

Here's what I did, back when I was just getting started. I'd pick a show or two on a whim (maybe it had a neat opening, maybe it was recommended by a friend, etc) and watch those. Id think about it and chew over what I liked and didn't like about each one, and then use that to inform my next choices.

For shows I liked, I'd look for things by the same director or studio, I'd follow certain character designers or original manga authors, etc. If I didn't like what I watched, I'd figure out why I disliked it, and then look for shows that steer clear of those pitfalls.

Keep this up and after a year or so you'll have a good number of shows under your belt, a sizeable backlog of other shows you've found while looking for the ones you did watch, and much better understanding of what kinds of shows appeal to your tastes.

>have constantly growing backlog
>decide to rewatch shows instead

completely forget classics and follow my penis
when I do decide to watch classics, I drop it less than 5-6 episodes in because they're boring/slow

See an anime picture of big breasted female character on Yas Forums and go off from there.

These are listed as 10/10
>SDF macross
>Part 3, Part 4
>Owari no seraph
Is it based on pure enjoyment?

Doing this is what lead me to watch Dragonaugts and boy was that terrible.

I have a pretty massive backlog on a text document that I've been trying to get through. Probably will last me another couple of years, not sure what I will do after that though.
Obligatory shit
idk why you would ask something like this unless you just want {You)s
>Inferno Cop 1/10
>Fairy Tail 10/10
holy shit what the fuck
Its because your thinking with your dick son, you gotta stop thinking with your dick.
This is kinda based actually

Holy fuck, you're still here? You have to be fucking 31 now.

By mood. Do you zoomerkeks really need guide for everything?

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I was 13 when I first used Yas Forums and you were shitposting here and you were probably in your mind 20s. It's 9 years later and I'm 22 and you're absolutely in your 30s and still shitposting.

I watch whatever trash that Yas Forums tells me to

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I just check and see if anything shows up that looks interesting on wsg

I see a random picture on Yas Forums, i like it, check the sauce, and add it to the "to watch" list
That's how I picked up milky holmes, bna, mazoku, kyousougiga and many others

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I alternate between decades, and length of a series. I finished watching a longer TV show from the 90s the other night. Watched a movie from 1958 last night. Probably gonna do a 1 or 2 cour show from the 2000s next.

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For older anime
>get bored of seasonal anime
>go to AniDB, Mal or whatever anime ranking website
>pretend I have a friend who's new to anime and is asking me for recs
>go through 1000 or so different shows and explain to my imaginary friend why they are overrated or deserve the ranking they have
>"Oh hey this is actually a good show, maybe I could rewatch it together with you"
>proceed to rewatch those shows all by myself
I know it's autistic but it's a good way to choose what to rewatch.

Carry on, you beautiful bastard.

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Well, I pick one from my backlog. I give a slight preference to anime that generates threads on Yas Forums and alternate between genres so as to not get burnt out, though it's been tough to do that for a while since almost only comedies remain.

This is the correct answer. After a bunch of years getting to know the media, you have a vague mental list of shit that you should get around to watching.

Sometimes you learn about new shows from the turboautists in this board, specially in the threads about underrated or forgotten series.

Pretty much this except for a written backlog since I don’t trust myself to remember the titles right away.

I roll the dice.


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i add a lot of animes in my mental list and watch them at the same time( i dont recommend it though)

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usualy when i finish a old anime a thread about it magicaly shows up so i ask about the next on on this thread, when i finish the next one, a thread about the second anime magicaly shows up too

and this cycle goes on


Since theres so much to choose from I pick the highly rated ones or classics and watch an episode or two to see if its good or shit. Next up is Clannad

>She looks like she's in need of a big thick throbbing shoulder massage

Haha what show is this from

go back

I close my eyes and let my dick guide me to my next show as it always has