
The airing thread died so quickly, so I guess everyone stopped caring about the show already.

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New episode is out?

If a show has mechs people will not watch it. Unless it's Gundam or something by Trigger.

Attached: Listeners.webm (1280x720, 886.73K)

It was out yesterday and it had a thread.

I guess Rie Takahashi wasn't enough to save this show.

It just had to be another mecha anime

>If a show has mechs people will not watch it. Unless it's Gundam or something by Trigger.
Sad but true

Attached: ded2.jpg (1280x720, 164.05K)

fucking cringefest of epic proportions

granbelm was not popular? fuck, i loved that show so much.

if I want to watch clown moving around I'll go to the circus instead

It was a huge flop in Japan to the point that one of the artists involved tweeted about it

Or more like people dropped it because it's not a good show

what the fuck, that is super sad. granbelm was really really good.

I dropped it episode two when it was clear the music wasn't going to get any more interesting.

>**4,326 (=**4,326) LISTENERS Blu-ray BOX1

From 55K to 4K, the series start climbing i guess.

Between the lack of marketing, the polarizing chibi mecha designs, the slow first couple of episodes, and the fact that it was overshadowed that season by a very stacked lineup of Friday shows like Dr. Stone, Fire Force, and Fruits Basket... it never stood a chance.

It's a damn shame. It had a ton of passion put into it, and IMO it was the best show of 2019 not named Symphogear, But it went mostly unnoticed, and I fear that Listeners might end up suffering the same fate.

Attached: GranbelmFriday.png (960x1620, 1.43M)

I think they making music and trying to replicate 80's rock music in mind.

Some of track kinda similar to castle made of sand or Purple haze by jimi hendrix.

Well, if you are zoomer or not really following old rock, i think it's normal to thinking lile that.

Most of weeb not really having good knowledge on music anyway.

dude did you just throw your epic rock music knowledge around without somehow citing the painfully obvious reference of the last episode?

I blame Ernesta for this

That's not really a big increase, ranks work exponentially so it only needs a few preorders to go up that amount of ranks.

To this day I'm surprised that not even Eir Aoi could raise at least some interest in that show. And it's not like it lacked marketing, I remember the show being promoted quite a lot before it aired.

>not even Eir Aoi
Use your trip, MKL.

I like it. But the whole show is incredibly boomer for a show starring two teenagers.

Shut up pajeet

what wrong with reference? someone already explained it on last thread

>Not argument

Stop posting retard, nobody can parse through your sad attempts at English.

Haha, kill your self.

It probably flopped because they went the "marketing route" of just stuffing the cast full of moeblob girls. I know it put me off, I just expected a completely cynical turd and probably a done of other people do it too.

Betting everything on some hardcore formula is a gamble, it's not a marketing slamdunk.

>just stuffing the cast full of moeblob girls
Plenty of successful anime did well doing just that.

The character designs in this show are so ugly.

Well, people will watch if it's made by bones too.

Similarly, plenty of shows have fallen flat on their face doing the same thing.

It's basically a crapshoot with no logical reason where you either sell thousands of BDs or get completely left in the cold whilst also isolating every single other demographic.
Fair enough for gachashit, don't do it for passion projects.

the mech design in this show is shit

I think character design in this series has fine proportion, compared to other series.

Or maybe you like moeblob?

like "really really good" like hokago no pleiades or actually really really good?

I feel like it's less an issue of them being ugly and more one of them being bland. The clothes are really boring and the actual colors make it easy for them to slip into the background.

nah dude
the characters are unappealing
the main girl for example tries to look like one of those super cute exotic anime girls like Eureka Seven but the artstyle makes her look like one of those white girl cosplayers at the local con. The round face with a detailed chin, the ear exposure, the small eyes, the nose. It's a mess

And we haven't even talked about the main boy who is ugly and obnoxious

Attached: some asuna.jpg (720x1280, 361.85K)

I'm thinking of the main girl and how she would be so much better looking if they just hadn't went and drawn lips.

the state of Yas Forums

It was THE most generic garbage I've ever seen in my life, sans and with the only good thing about it being the Waifu's design

Not at all worth watching tho, will read Hentai when it comes out