>I suppose
I suppose
japanese autism. characters must have an obnoxious catchphrase, which a lot of times means nothing in japanese, but localizers change it to an actual phrase sometimes.
its cute kashira
"autism" is Yas Forums's obnoxious catchphrase.
both correct, autism
That's not an obnoxious catchphrase, though. She just adds -kasira to everything which is a higher register in Japanese ("noblewomans' speech").
It's basically like going "Would you kindly do X" instead of "Could you do X?"
It's exaggerated in her case, but it's not the sort of speech defect like everyone favorite squid's de geso, catgirls' -nya or Prinnies' -ssu.
She actually is saying something though. She speaks in a sort of haughty/rhetorical way
cock in mouth
Is it your's? Because I don't see anything.
Because they were ripping off the best Rozen
God damn this useless little shit.
you shut your ignorant whore mouth
More like, why is she allowed to wear clothing
author thought のじゃ was too cliche so he pulled some random bullshit out of his ass
it's easy to filter out as you're reading though the WN in Japanese, but in sound or in English it feels out of place because it is.
low iq author thinks this is how noble characters talk
a better question would be why are you watching this garbage
Dear diary: today OP was a faggot who didnt realize that japanese verbal tics dont trabslate.
dumb writer who can't write for shit or characterize his dumb characters in a meaningful way or write a conversation that resembles human speech.
she;s smart
>A proper way to end a sentence does not correlate to a conversation that ressembles human speech.
As expected of an ape using internet.
her voice makes me diamonds. I want to fuck her twintails.
you are a burger, I suppose
I don't know what it is about this gremlin voice that's so good, but I adore it
I suppose you're a Eurocuck
Shitty subs.
Betty is based. Her ranking increases every time she says her own name.
I suppose you think I care
Do you think she would let me massage her feet?
Oh yeah, people translating personal names used as first- or second-person pronouns literally also gets on my nerves.
The end result always sounds like shit.
Even when the name is used in the third person, sometimes it would be best to replace it with he/she. That's how fundamentally different the languages are.