Promiscuity good

>Promiscuity good
I hate this anime's message

Attached: [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 01 [UNCENSORED 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Eng-Subs].mkv_snapshot_13.21_[2020.03.17_10.31.40].jpg (1920x1080, 149.55K)

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And OP was a faggot again.

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So what if you cant get laid, cope better.

>tfw no loli prostitutes
why even live bros

I hate there was no loli succu.

call the number eight

>pays a whore
>"t-this counts as getting laid!"

this anime was double degenerate
>having sex before marriage good
>sleeping around with prostitutes good
just disgraceful.

>throws away your primal instinct just to follow what artificial standards set by medieval incels
Goddamn bro.

Low test

Everyone loves sluts now. Get with the times, grandpa.

Do you watch religious programs and get annoyed when there are religious themes

I hate faggots

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It's been like that since the Roman Empire, grandpa.

Ok homo

Call me a killjoy, but I think that because this is not to my taste, no one else should be able to enjoy it.

>implying you've only fapped to your one waifu all your life

just miring the waifu of another man is not a sin

>artificial standards set by medieval incels
they are in place for a reason. Educate yourself

> I am correct in my opinion cuz a video on the internet told me so.
Sugoi monogatari onii-chan

have sex

I still don't know why it's ok to shill youtube videos now

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Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

Attached: the word.jpg (228x300, 10.82K)

ITT: purityfags seeth about reviewers for the 2345283458 time

'ate whores
simple as.

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That is not the message

Post your slutfu.

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A real shame.

move to england, plenty of muslim created pedo red light districts

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I refuse to believe Christcucks actually post on Yas Forums and actually believe what they preech

bend over

lmao imagine being a puritan

>The policy of toleration towards prostitution dates back to St. Augustine, who "observed that if prostitutes were not available, established patterns of sexual relationships would be damaged" (Brundage, 88). And Thomas Aquinas "wrote, apropos of prostitution, that if you were to take away the sewer, the whole palace would soon be filled with corruption" (McCall, 180).

whores living in your head rent free.Also nice job with a Yas Forums b8 thread.

>"throws away your primal instinct"
>his primal instict is to dull his own libido by wasting it on whores along with his money in a way that contradicts the very reason those instincts exist instead of carefully looking for a suitable morally trustworthy lifelong partner and actually have childen with them
Sasuga, delusional dead-end.