Which is the most powerful sword in anime?

Which is the most powerful sword in anime?

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The dick


Attached: DP Sword.png (512x276, 64.58K)

cant beat the cock


The superior japanese katana. Folded over 1000 times.

Attached: weapon thread.gif (297x168, 184.4K)

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The gun

You know what it is.

Attached: 44362715_2168310756514533_2359904286554456064_n.jpg (474x647, 40.33K)

the heart

>most powerful sword in anime
Probably one of the swords in sukasuka

Only the elite of Yas Forums will get it.

Attached: greatest sword.jpg (1300x866, 65.48K)

Thungerboltfags should fuck off with their puppet trash.

began in the 12th century..


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Tenshi's sword

Attached: 625CDBD4-DFC4-41B2-B78F-4CB434563975.png (1053x750, 1.03M)

Rank 1 and Rank 0 Eien Shinken.

Anyone answering differently is wrong.

Came here to post this.


Slash Emperor is stronger.

But not anime.

Attached: SlashEmperor.jpg (1032x1159, 313.16K)

Probably Gilgamesh's proto-"sword" from Fate.

Attached: zankatsuken.jpg (772x1034, 99.62K)

That's planet tier, that's around upper Rank 2 eien shinken

Eien Shinken swords by far. And yes it had anime long ago.

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To be fair, Shou also decapitated a dude with a cape swish

I know it's technically two stones, but still.

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Attached: heavenwrath.webm (640x360, 1.78M)

This one.

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i don't know who's more based

>Which is the most powerful sword in anime?
Ichigo's from Bleach is the most powerful that comes to mind at the moment.



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