This is the King of the Britons!

This is the King of the Britons!

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My wife is so beautiful!

Bros I don't get it,what's so appealing about her design?I can't stop looking at her

King of the who?

The land of magical futas.

suppressed faggotry

We know she's ugly because people mistook her for a man.

I want to bang her son while she watches

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if shes so great then why cant she swim?

Britons! We are all Britons and this is your king!

The King of sameface!

Well I didn't vote for him!

FUCK the King

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you dont vote for kings


Did she swallow Saber's sword?

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This is the King of Destruction

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She is MY KING

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My Emperor is better

Reminder that seiba > tituria

I didn't vote for her.

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Just finished playing the fate route in fate stay/night after seeing this thread a couple of weeks ago. Saber really is the cutest but the ending felt a bit weak.
Gonna finish the other 2 routes in the next 2 weeks. Any tips before I go in?

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>cutest but the ending felt a bit weak.
Nigger you serious? How are you not in pain?

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Get ready for her Shinjuku anime in 2 years.

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what a concidence. I'm playing it and almost gonna finish yhe 3rd route.
Well, my tip is: don't watch the anime until you finish it and fate route is the worst of the 3


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I felt so much pain I wanted her to stay above all else. I know that it wouldn't be right but I wanted her to reappear at the end. It even made me hate the end a bit.

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Wild I finished the same route just last night