What's a somewhat niche anime you think everyone should see at least once and why?

what's a somewhat niche anime you think everyone should see at least once and why?

my picks would probably be:

Serial Experiments Lain, a fantastic minimalist experience with great visuals and immersion.

Mysterious Girlfriend X, a great slice of life kind of anime with amazing visuals and a cute story.

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Ergo Proxy. very memorable series

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Is something like thunderbolt fantasy or tatami galaxy considered niche?

Boogiepop Motherfucking Phantom

>tatami galaxy

>Ergo Proxy
>Tatami Galaxy
>Boogiepop after the remake
>I repeat, fucking Lain

kuso thread

The Flowers of Evil
Rotoscoping is anime too.

Attached: flowers of evil.jpg (854x480, 72.97K)

niche in not the same as unpopular.

I didn't mention the remake, faggot, did I?

Yes, actually that is what it means.

fuck you

check your vocabulary

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Hyouge Mono

>using the word to be defined in the definition

Attached: niche.png (620x77, 18.99K)

Oh look, it's still true of all the shows mentioned, and still doesn't mean "unpopular".

so in your opinion all the shows you mentioned are in fact targeted at the mainstream anime viewers whose knowledge of anime is largely compromised of pokemon, one pice and naruto?

The usage of scare quotes means you're trying to define unpopular in a manner that comports with how you want to define it. A niche product appeals to a small group of people. You have to go back to 3rd grade.
You're replying to the wrong person.

all anime are niche

Those are regular quotes, denoting my quoting the word used earlier.
"Appeals to a small group of people" is not the same as "unpopular".

>You're replying to the wrong person
don't reply to my argument with another user then.

What do you think it means? "Disliked by a large number of people"?
>d-d-don't r-reply please...
Shut up, catamite.

>replies to unrelated arguments
>complains getting mistaken as being a part of that discussion.
what is your end goal here?

You made the assumption that I wasStop being an idiot.

Popularity is relative. Angel's Egg is very popular in its own niche, for instance. It is very unpopular compared to One Piece, but most people can see that's a pretty stupid comparison.

>Boogiepop Phantom is kuso
>Called Boogiepop Wa Warawanai a "remake"
>Everything else in this post
Yas Forums contrarians are so fucking retarded it's amazing

then why did you reply to me replying to if you didn't want to participate in the discussion to begin with?

Nevermind after rereading the post aside from the remake part you're right, none of the shows listed are that niche

Proto-fujoshit sports anime that actually made go seem interesting.

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>>Boogiepop Phantom is kuso
Are you retarded? I'm calling the post kuso, not the series.

If you water down "having specific appeal" or "appeal to a specialized section of the population" enough then almost everything counts. Especially with anime of all things. Might as well post NGE and K-On, those are about as "niche" as Lain is.

SeeThis though you're retarded for calling the new one a remake